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Comment Re:Harsher sentence's for the ones that stole data (Score 1) 217

Life in prison is already the law in Canada if you kill someone with a hack.

I suspect it's the same in the USA.

The problem is, you're never going to catch these people. Computers are basically un-securable, and the industry blames the users instead of it's own failings.

This is not being fixed any time soon.

Comment Re:Photosynthesis is the problem (Score 1) 492

What people don't want to say is the opposite could happen.

Climate warming opens up huge swaths of land, much of it with lots of water. In fact, it could even end up as a net positive.

The problem is .. well, it sucks to live in hell. Sorting out population migrations is going to be interesting.

Comment They talk about everything but how it performs (Score 1) 70

Every decade or so, Intel takes another kick at the can.

Every decade or so, they fail miserably.

Intel is not a video card company. They don't have the internal culture to retain the talent required, and the talent they have is CPU-focused.

This story will end up the same. Unless they acquire nVidia. That would be utterly terrible for everyone.

Comment You work 35 hours a week. Competition does 80. (Score 2, Interesting) 127

They will accrue more experience, and beat you every time.

But they'll burn out!

Not everyone burns out. The winners will self-select.

The only way to win is to not play. But we don't want to talk about that.

If you're here, and you're programming, you're smart enough to do something else with your life. Law, medicine, plumbing, electrical, do anything else.

Engineering and programming are terrible career choices with little or no protection in law.

Comment Re:Author is ill informed (Score 2) 141

Are you actually running those in production, or just as morbid amusement?

It seems wildly irresponsible to not replace such equipment, and wasteful of power not to virtualize?

Production (e.g. makes me money) equipment is cycled out every 18-24mo.

I have much older kit around for amusement, but not in use.

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