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Comment Re:Good stuff (Score 1) 241

Yeah, grabbing the door handle definitely is counter productive. I use the paper towel I dried my hands with to open it. But you'd think that with fire code, and doors having to swing away, to let stampeding people out, that all doors would swing away, towards the fire exits, including bathroom doors. Kind of weird that they don't. Maybe it's so people outside of the bathroom don't get clocked by the door or something.

I like all those automatic touch-less things in new washrooms, except those stupid sink sensors. If I'm washing my face, then they're constantly shutting off. When I was in Italy they had ones where you could press on a foot pedal, and have good constant flow. I wish we did more low-tech-but-better things like that.

Thank god I'm taken, so I don't have to wade through those girls anymore, trying to find the good ones :)

Comment Re:Good stuff (Score 1) 241

Noticed that you didn't reply to the STI point. Cognitive dissonance?

Every square inch of skin on your body has bacterie. That's why they swab you with disenfactant before taking a blood sample.

All bacteria are equal or the same? You don't get pink eye from touching your elbow and then your eye...

Maybe YOU don't shower after sex, but I do.

Most of the time. But, you know, since I regularly wash my hands, I don't have to fret about how clean my dick is. Or at least I don't make it anyone else's problem, due to lack of hygiene and consideration.

First thing in the morning, like clockwork, before the shower. You sound like you've never given a woman oral sex; you sound like you have Verminophobia, in which case you should see a mental health professional.

Same, actually. But since I exercise a lot, I eat a lot, so I go to the washroom more than once a day. But again, I don't have to fret about that, since I have an effective catch-all strategy. I like choosing whose genitalia I come into contact with. Call me weird, but I don't want to touch yours, random hobos', or any other person's who lacks the simple comprehension of the straightforward facts. Girls tend to take care of themselves, so I don't worry about that. But some guys are gross slobs, and I don't want any part of that.

And of course I sound neurotic, because I'm having to explain these obvious points, in laborious detail. It's like explaining that you should hold your breath underwater to someone, who refuses to see sense. Of course it'll look like you have a fear of drowning, past a certain point.

Comment Re:Good stuff (Score 1) 241

There's definitely a couple diseases you can contract from genital contact. All you piss-hand advocates forget that the sterility of the piss is quite secondary to the fact that the person just had their junk in their hands.

For example, when a nurse takes a urine sample, to test for a possible urinary tract infection, they have to get it mid-stream. They can't use the initial piss that comes out, because that's known to always have bacteria in it. That's because your genitals have bacteria. So just holding your dick means you have that bacteria on your hand. Maybe you did or didn't shower after sex that morning, so now you've got two people's bacteria on your hand, and you're walking around like a tool, touching every door handle, phone receiver, etc., thinking "but my piss is sterile".

And then there's the plain simple facts that somehow elude piss-hand advocates: presumably at some point you take a crap. Let's assume you're at least half intelligent, and washed your hands that time. You then proceed to wear some clothing, which brings your genitalia into contact with your particulate fecal matter that's bouncing around inside your clothing. You then take a piss, and of course don't wash your hands. You are now passing around your fecal matter, possibly spreading E. Coli. "But my piss is sterile"...

Comment Re:Apple (Score 1) 359

Hopefully Apple takes the opportunity to address the software flaws that made this possible, and to consider enhancements that would make this more difficult in the future.

First off, they should block the API that allowed the camera to be in use, but not show up in other programs as being in use.

Secondly, I think they should adjust the hardware camera light, to be lit for a minimum period of time, of at least 1 second. So if the camera is turned on, the light won't just be lit for the brief fraction of a second that the camera is taking its picture, but will remain on after-wards for the remainder of that second. That way, programs will be unable to surreptitiously and quickly snap a single frame, causing only a flicker from the light.

Finally, and probably less likely to be done, Apple could add some logic to determine if the camera use follows a pattern typical of surveillance, and then alert the user. Perhaps once they block the previously mentioned API, they could detect attempts to invoke it. Or they could detect sporadic or periodic camera activation, when no user input has occurred in the past while. Using whichever criteria they have, they could alert the user, and then if the user clicks that they are not intentionally running that kind of camera software themselves, the system could disable whichever trojan code has been activating the camera.

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