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Comment Re:Missing the point... (Score 1) 359

Secure-FTP (over SSL) is not sufficient as it only encrypts things without verifying the authenticity of the host you are connecting to.

That's actually only the case if you switch off host verification.

Normally with FTPS you would compare the certificate that the host sends you with your certificate store to either 1) verify you have that certificate already or 2) that the certificate is signed by a CA in your store and that its common name matches the domain name you are connecting to.

Comment Re:FTPS (Score 1) 359

FTPS is basically the standard FTP protocol over SSL. So the same problem of a new connection being used for directory listings and file transfers still exists.

As another poster notes, the problem can be exacerbated using FTPS - firewalls can read the control channel of ordinary FTP and when PORT or PASV commands are encountered, they can automatically open the port number that is referred to. Because the command channel is encrypted in FTPS, firewalls can't do this, and FTPS transfers (and listings) are much more likely to fail than FTP transfers.

One solution is to switch back to an unencrypted control channel after authentication, although this of course complicates things for clients.

Using SFTP is the best solution - only a single port is used for both commands and for data transfers. So as long as port 22 is open, SFTP will always work.

The (slight) downside of SFTP is that it is a more complicated protocol and more difficult to implement.

Comment Re:...and the pursuit of happiness (Score 5, Insightful) 592

Good advice. Spending 8+ hours getting paid for doing what you love will help your life to be a happy one. Doing stuff you don't like for half of your waking hours will make life a misery.

And it is hard to succeed if you don't love what you are doing.

If you love coding, stick with it - there will always be a job for you. I'm in my 40's and have been coding for many years. There's nothing like getting paid to play, and there's no end in sight yet!

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