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Comment Re:How about a generic scripting engine? (Score 1) 505

For what it's worth, "millions of dollars" is a pretty low bar. A million dollars in the US will get you _maybe_ 5 person-years worth of work from anyone at all competent (using the normal rule of thumb that an employees cost to the employer is about 2x salary once you take into account benefits, employer taxes, equipment, office space, etc).

So 10 million dollars will get you a 10 years worth of work from 5 developers. As an example, the PyPy project is 10 years old....

For JS, between the various browser vendors, the right number is probably closer to 300-500 person-years (see for an attempted breakdown). Figure $100 million as a low estimate. Chances are, the people involved are being paid more than $100k a year, so adjust the estimate up accordingly...

Comment Re:Is Firefox safer? (Score 5, Informative) 194

You may want to read for Mozilla's policy for hosted addons. It says "will", but that page is also two years old. Those policies are in place now. The short of it is:
  1. All addons hosted by Mozilla get reviewed.
  2. Open source is not required, but source disclosure to Mozilla is.
  3. Any update to the addon triggers a new review cycle.

Comment Re:Even runs on iPhone 5s... (Score 2) 177

It depends.

Once you're in steady state, and if you don't use workers and don't use the new parallel processing primitives people are proposing for JS, you're right.

But during JIT warmup, and any time you have to JIT a new function or new codepath it matters because on multicore hardware you can do background compilation.

Comment Re:Didn't know it launched. (Score 2) 76

Are you in a market where it's available in stores? The marketing has mostly focused on those markets, obviously.

That said, the launch was covered on Slashdot back in July: and several other articles, as well as other tech press. No non-tech-focused marketing in the US so far, since it's not like you can buy one of these in a store in the US right now...

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