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Submission + - New Drugs Enhance Performance, Eliminate Sleep

docinthemachine writes: "New drugs in the eugeroic family are completing trials that offer improved memory, mood enhancement, improved alertness and cognitive powers without any of the nasty side effects and mass murder of speed and crank. They are a class of novel stimulants that produce long-lasting mental arousal. They are unique in producing hypervigilence and alertness without peripheral effects or addidition of usual stimulants. Strangely, they have minimal effect on sleep structure, and do not cause rebound hypersomnolence (crashing). Related are Ampakines that also cause memory enhancement (just a bit of abuse potential there). One of these — a drug code-named CX717 enabled sleep deprived rhesus monkeys to outperform rested normal monkeys on memory tasks. you can read details of the drugs and studies at"

Submission + - Build a news research toolkit in 5 minutes flat

InsurgentGeek writes: "This note tells you how to use Yahoo Pipes, Sage and the Gnosis Firefox extension to put together a complete web-based research toolkit in less than five minutes. In a single window you can view the news (or any other RSS feed) and receive in-depth analysis of the people, companies, organizations and other items in it

If you'd like to move beyond just staring at RSS feeds and into exploring what's happening in the world — you can — in about five minutes. The note shows how to integrate Pipes, Gnosis and Sage to create a complete one-window news research & learning environment. When you're done you won't be trapped in RSS any more. You'll be able to start with the news, explore the people and learn more about the organizations and companies that *you* are interested in.

The Pipes part is optional if you want this works with any RSS feed. Take a look here to see a screenshot what youll have when youre finished. Take five minutes. Get smarter. It's good for you."

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