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Comment Re:Hyperbole (Score 1) 355

I'm not sure shooting someone is a proportionate response to being smacked in the face. Even if you're not strong enough to defend yourself, chances are someone else will smack the other guy in the face. That's unless you're an arse who deserved to get smacked in the face of course. In that case, don't be an arse.

See how civilised society regulates itself without firearms?

Comment Re:Hyperbole (Score 1) 355

The Met is actually responsible for national policing issues. We had detectives from Scotland Yard search our workplace with the assistance of local officers when those child benefit discs went missing (we're on contract to the Civil Service and there was a slim chance they might have been sent to us by mistake).

It's one of the major structural problems with the Met; if national policing was split off into a separate agency and the Met was left to focus on policing in London I think both aspects would be better.

Comment Re:Hyperbole (Score 1) 355

I dunno, makes sense if you assume we hit each other more but kill each other less. I suppose that means here people can feel safe smacking someone else in the face knowing at worst they'll end up in hospital. In American, you might get shot!

There's a problem as to how violent crime is measured though. I'd be quite surprised if the definitions of violent crime were the same for police forces across the USA, never mind ours.

Comment Re:Hyperbole (Score 5, Insightful) 355

If enacted, those provisions would be used against dissenters just like the Terrorism Act is now.

I personally know people who've were detained under the Terrorism Act for walking through Charing Cross station with placards in their bag on the day of the royal wedding. They were released hours later and I believe are planning legal action.

You're a fool if you think laws giving those kinds of powers to police to control social media won't be used against political dissenters.

Comment Re:now you know (Score 1) 355

I think Syria said they approved of Cameron's plans to place controls on social media too.

There was this great dream that somehow opening up closed, dictatorial societies like China and the countries in the Middle East to free flows of capital would inevitably lead to the spread of democracy. What's actually happened is that rather than freedom flowing to them, corruption and authoritarianism is flowing from them.

Comment Re:ITS NOT REAL-WORLD MONEY! (Score 1) 171

Yea I know, look at Spaceship Barbie's contract history! I figured out the 1 trit mineral scam the first time I ever hit the grid in Jita, it amazes me that people with billions of ISK don't twig.

Although having said that, you do get players who somehow manage to amass large amounts of ISK despite having no skill, like this killmail.

Comment Re:It's fun when it's fiction (Score 1) 171

Actually, some people do treat Eve as a serious investment, like the real money traders ISK Bank. Using them violates the TOS; it's not something I would do even though their prices are far cheaper than selling PLEX purchased legitimately.

Having said that, ISK Bank apparently make enough money to keep the Russian that runs it in vodka and caviar.

For most people Eve is just a game though. There's no legitimate way to extract money from it, in fact the smart way to play Eve is to figure out how to generate enough revenue in-game for the minimum effort, so you don't have to spend any more money on it.

Comment Re:ITS NOT REAL-WORLD MONEY! (Score 1) 171

Black market RMT PLEX sells for almost half the price of PLEX acquired via GTC. The RMT seller must have a margin in there too, so in pure RMT terms if 1tn ISK is $51k in GTC PLEX it's worth more like $20k in RMT.

That's not that big a haul considering how long it took. Eddie really went to town spamming the trade hubs, I even remember seeing him in outlying systems round Amarr a few months back.

Comment Re:ITS NOT REAL-WORLD MONEY! (Score 1) 171

You can't turn the 30 Day Pilot License Extension back into a Game Time Card. It's not possible to legitimately sell PLEX for real money, although there are third party sites that will sell PLEX for real money at slightly below market rates and deliver then in-game via Jita contract.

That's a ToS violation though, so it's not legitimate.

Comment Re:Don't understand spending time/money on game as (Score 1) 171

Just FYI, the dollar figure quoted is how much it'd cost to buy that much ISK if you were converting Eve Game Time Cards at today's prices.

It's entirely possible, with a little skill and effort, to play Eve essentially for free. Spending money upfront to turn a GTC into ISK is actually pretty sensible. I did it to generate some operating capital and now I'm the situation of having a trade / industry alt that I log into every few days to update orders, move stock around and whatnot (pretty much the trading part of Elite) and a main PvP / PvE.

Eve is actually really casual friendly if you're a little smart about it!

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