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Comment Re:Not so much the internet as games (Score 1) 295

We played freeze tag in the early 80s, long before video games even HAD a pause function (first one was 1982 that I can think of). My older siblings played it in the 1970s.

If anything, kids are just expanding that concept and likely incorporating the concept of a "time out", as invented by parents as a form of discipline. Although again "time outs" long pre-date anything remotely modern. Sporting events have had them for ages.

Comment SoX (Score 1) 383

The regulators were tasked to check that the companies followed the procedures for checking their own operations.

This, incidentally, is exactly how SoX compliance functions. And what makes it entirely worthless.

Comment Re:Reminds me the recent sad Sony/Linux affair... (Score 1) 262

In Canada you can't be held to a contract unless your of legal age. Since the majority of the target audience of console games is under 20 most of the people agreeing to the EULAs can't be held accountable, at least in Canada.

Small quibble, but the age of majority (in terms of contracts, anyway) in Canada is 18.

Doesn't detract from the rest of your thoughtful point though.

Comment OT: no such law exists (Score 1) 319

In Alberta - it's illegal to have a billboard on a Highway. Based solely on the idea that it causes more accidents because billboards are distracting. This isn't a direct attack on the speed limit, a major factor, or Alchohol, another major factor. Because attempting to control those other 2 factors would cause a huge upset.

Everyone once in a while people post things that are 100% incorrect.

Alberta highways are full of billboards. No such law exists. From advertising the local ski resorts (of which we have many), to "keep Ottawa out of Alberta" (ie: Alberta separatists), we have plenty of billboards.

And those are only 2 examples out of the hundreds I saw last time I went on the road.

There are rules to limit them, but they are most certainly not illegal. If they are, it's certainly a law that's not being enforced very well.

There are guidelines, but no ban..

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