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Comment Leak poisoning (Score 4, Interesting) 278

I think the most interesting part of this by far is how the FBI managed to undermine the credibility of Wikileaks by getting them to leak arguably bogus material: Sabu actually used FBI equipment to hack Stratfor while under their employment. So... next time an intelligence leak rolls around, how are we supposed to know it wasn't a three-letter-agency spreading disinformation?

Comment There's no going back (Score 3, Interesting) 418

While it's nice to pine for the days of old when reading was a solitary escape, it's also important to acknowledge that things have fundamentally changed, and there is no going back. How many people really go as far as to hide their smartphones while reading a printed book? The fact of the matter is that we are immersed in a world that is inherently more connected and more distracting than ages past. There are downsides to this, but apparently they aren't considered sufficiently compelling for most people to forsake cell phones, email, blogs, social networking, streaming video, etc. Whether these things are accessible from the iPad a person uses to read a book or from the smartphone in their pocket or the laptop in front of them, makes very little difference.

Comment NJ is a country now? (Score 1) 671

You know what this was? This was kid who grew up in a country where being gay is illegal, who found himself living with a gay roommate, was really threatened/offended/bigoted, and decided to "out" the kid to get rid of him. Just spend a few minutes with Google - India's views on homosexuality are amongst the most hostile on the planet.

This is wrong in several ways. First, New Jersey is not a country. Second, being gay is not technically illegal in NJ, believe it or not. Seriously, did you not read the first 10 words of the article? i.e.:

Dharun Ravi grew up in Plainsboro, New Jersey, in a large, modern house with wide expanses of wood flooring and a swimming pool out back.

Comment Re:Forget PR (Score 1) 248

I think you and the GP are missing an important, falsifiable statement from the story: "The air force did say that, because they had figured out what brought the RQ-170 down, they were continuing to fly RQ-170s on reconnaissance missions."

Exactly. I'd love to see the US call Iran on their bluff and have them demonstrate their ninja hacking skills on a test drone.

Comment Re:Forget PR (Score -1, Troll) 248

Hi, I'm Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I deny the holocaust ever happened, think Israel should be wiped off the map, and wish death to America. That said, you should really, really trust me when I say that our 31337 haxors downed that drone unscathed via a heretofore unprecedented GPS spoofing attack, guided to a safe landing in Iran by our top-secret, ultra-accurate, stealth-ignoring radar. We can do this at will, of course... we just choose not to most of the time. And if you're wondering why we chose to brag to the world about it instead of the tactically superior option of keeping it mum and pretending the drone downed to a technical malfunction, well, it's because our super-secret military skynet command-and-decision AI was hacked by the Israelis. Damn Israelis.

Comment Re:So, to translate: (Score 1) 1303

Exactly which option is more psychopathic? Giving 100,000 Chinese a job, a place to stay, and something to eat; or firing those 100,000 Chinese in favor of paying 10,000 Americans to do the job, at 20x's the pay, just because they were lucky enough to have popped out of a vagina located within certain latitude/longitude bounds at the right time?

Comment This (Score 1) 877

I'm no climate-change denier, nor am I a human-induced climate-change denier, but this is a little too sensationalist for my liking. Saying that the earth is getting hotter and implying that this itself implies that humans are to blame just gives deniers room to say, "A-ha! Well, if that's your evidence for human-induced climate change, you're wrong!" It may be tempting to trot out these soundbites, but I think it's an unwise rhetorical strategy in the long run.

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