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Comment Re:Bad according to whom (Score 1) 491

I'd say one legitimate reason to actually talk about it with your coworkers is as a form of collective group therapy.

Working somewhere where you don't trust your leadership is extremely demoralizing. Talking about this with your coworkers can help the situation. (And perhaps they'll give you insight into things you hadn't thought of.)

Although it might be a bit of culture difference as well. Some cultures seem to put more effort into "do what the boss tells you" even if you know it's wrong. Personally I think that borderline irresponsible behavior from an employee to silently march into machine gun fire.

Comment Prior art? (Score 1) 174

I'm pretty sure that I saw people doing this on the Meant to be seen DIY forums ( quite some time back. In that case they did use two different consoles plugged into the different machines of course; and they used polarized glasses. It might be that this is supposed to be a complete system for it. (All the way from console rendering the frames to syncing the glasses.)

As an aside I can recommend anyone who has access to an old "silver screen" to make their own 3D projector setup. Just bring a couple of disposable 3D glasses from a movie, tear one pair apart and put the different glasses over two different projectors. (It seems like you need DLP projectors as LCD tend to have different polarization on the different colors.) (And if you separate the lenses completely you could make your own set of "split screen glasses" to play.)

Comment Re:Will it Route, Switch, or Hub? (Score 1) 336

According to the PDF someone else linked to, yes.

Networking: Extended-range Daisy Chain and Star topologies. Entire home and in-room coverage as well as commercial and industrial installations.

Sounds really, really nice if it works out. Personally I have both a TV and projector in the same room, running signals to both requires quite a bit of tweaking. This would make it possible to simply plug devices into the network and it would work.

Comment Re:Introduction to Dr. Who (Off-topic) (Score 3, Interesting) 379

Moffat also did The empty child/The doctor dances in the first season and Silence in the library/Forest of the dead in season 4. Considering he consistently made awesome episodes in the past I was very pleased that he's now main producer of the show.

Personally I consider both Blink and Girl in the fireplace to be extremely good. For me Blink wins out by a bit; but that's just me. What's fascinating is that Blink doesn't follow the normal Dr Who cast all that much, but he manages to introduce us to several new people and make us care more about them in 45 minutes than most shows manage for their standard cast in several seasons.

For starting Doctor Who I'd recommend going with the 2005 reboot. Every season after that kind of builds on top of it, and while the episodes are largely separate there are a lot of continuing plots as well. If you want some of the backstory I recommend watching the "Doctor Who Confidential" episodes as well. There is one for every episode and it's as 1 hour per episode. These give a lot of information and flash backs into the vast Dr Who library as well as interviews with the cast and former cast of the show. It really is an impressive "behind the scenes" presentation.

Comment Re:Hopefully Palm will get this right (Score 1) 289

Honestly, and kind of sadly, I think Palm is already "dead company walking".

They haven't managed to get their SDK out yet. They haven't launched in all of Europe yet. I'm sure that they'll be able to get a small market but they'll have a really hard time growing beyond the fringe. Consider that Palm is already a pretty small company and they have to take on all the other phone manufacturers together (since they run Android, besides Nokia and Apple).

Palm's problem is that while Nokia and Apple are hugely successful, they are not. And while Nokia and Apple have been making a lot of money the last few years, they have not.

Honestly I think the best they can do is to offer a WebApp app for Android and hope it takes off that way. That way they can get people to make neat little apps and widgets easily and still get a big market (Android) while Palm gets some apps for their devices as well.

Comment Re:Why not both? (Score 1) 289

First off, the NDK on Android allows you to run C code on Android.devices. You'll still have to add some Java to wrap the C code, but that's mainly for input handling and such.

And yes, the Android market is more complex than iPhone. But OTOH you can target specific sizes as well. (Eg most new and upcoming high performance Android devices have large screens. So if your game targets performance then you might just target that form factor.)

What would make good sense if you are currently making games is to keep track of how things work on Android and perhaps structure future projects in a way to make future porting to Android easier.

While there are more iPhone OS devices out today the Android market is just beginning to take off. (Android has only been on the market for 1 year compared to almost 2.5 for iPhone.) If you have a small selection of solid games/apps now for Android that will give you a great advantage later on when the market increases.

Comment Re:Give us C++ (Score 1) 211

You're welcome. (Android NDK allows for native development.)

You still need a Java wrapper to handle communication with Android (keypresses and such) but the game can be written entirely in C/C++.

I'd say as far as development friendliness you should take into account that you can develop for Android on many platforms. For iPhone you must have OSX.

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