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Comment Re:I wanted to post this (Score 1) 359

When your battery and motor are so large that the power draw causes issues keeping them cool all you have to do it limit whatever method you are using for cooling until things warm up. Voltages will drop and internal resistances will increase when it is cold, but you could easily include a heating element (or just run it short circuit for a short while) as there still will be some current. A heating element doesn't care if you're under some threshold voltage like your camera or phone and any battery big enough to run a car is going to have no trouble producing enough power to heat itself -- even if it's running at a small fraction of its room temperature capacity.

Comment Re:I wanted to post this (Score 1) 359

Not only that, but one should compare apples to apples.

A horse only has the same power output as a very small scooter, motorcycle or even some models of electric bicycle (a few horsepower). Other than theft/security concerns, an electric bicycle can be kept running indefinitely with a few square metres of solar panels in each of the two or three places it will usually be kept.

It can keep up a higher top speed than a horse on flat ground (probably somewhat less up a hill), especially if the human helps a bit. It doesn't require as much space, require someone to clean the shit, or pollute. With the addition of a trailer, it can carry as much or more than a horse. It doesn't use anything when not in use. You get wet when it rains on both types of vehicles (there is the carriage option for the horse, I suppose -- but then again i've seen covered reclining bicycles).

The horse is clearly superior if:
1) You want to plow a field or;
2) You spend a lot of time off road.
It may also be slightly better in extremely hilly areas, although regenerative braking on the bicycle may help there.
The horse probably doesn't cause as much pollution or require as much energy to produce as the bicycle+batteries+solar panels, and lasts slightly longer (although there are only a few components -- batteries, tyres, cables, bearings -- on the bike that will need replacing if it is produced with lifetime in mind). On the other hand, the bike doesn't produce any more pollution once it's made, is possible for everyone in a city to own, and may even get you fit.

Cars won out against bikes because they're faster and more convenient than either a horse or a bike.

Comment Re:in 3..2..1 (Score 5, Informative) 178

Yet another person who doesn't understand how vaccines work.
If everyone takes a vaccine, it doesn't need to make them all completely immune to the disease.
All it needs to do is increase resistance enough that each person, on average, infects less than one other person. At/after this point the number of people with the disease will decrease until noone has to worry about it anymore.

Comment Re:would i rather (Score 1) 647

I've been part of veggie coops/deliveries/etc before and the price per good produce is usually better than a supermarket, close to visiting the farmers' markets on sunday.
There are a variety of systems, but my favourite was just having a box of whatever is in season arrive at your door every week.
The solution to crap produce is competition, and never buying from/telling all your friends about anyone who has terrible quality control.
Refrigerated milk delivery is common in many places. In the past you returned the empty bottles. Refrigerated ice-cream in a cold bag with an ice pack of some kind would work just as well. You only get the new one if you return the old.
Lightweight/cheap air insulated packaging with a layer of ice would work as a disposable solution, too.

Comment Re:So it tracks the person looking at it (Score 4, Interesting) 98

Let me know when they develop a walk-around 3d display that multiple people can look at simultaneously and each see the correct view from their position.

Just letting you know that MIT have developed a prototype for a walk-around 3d display that multiple people can look at simultaneously and each see the correct view from their position.

Here's a link to the summary on slashdot
Make sure you read the article or some of the comments so you don't confuse it with a head tracking version and post stupid comments like this retard:

Comment Re:The only answer for the USA (Score 1) 625

Public transport gets better with population density (or at least number of people using it). I've lived in areas where I just walk out the front door and hop on to one of the two different bus routes that stop outside every five minutes (both of which went to several of my usual destinations). If I was going anywhere on those routes (or a single transfer) I wouldn't dream of using a car.
I've also lived in places where it's quicker to walk 8km than use the bus/train.

Comment Re:Remember the gorilla arm syndrome (Score 1) 85

I've yet to figure out why they didn't just move buttons to the back -- chorded or otherwise. I've seen a few companies playing around with more touch screens on the back, but never an otherwise close to competitive phone with buttons on the back. You can even fit two or three fingers from each hand on there whilst comfortably holding the thing.
Maybe it's time someone made a peripheral (or linked to one if it already exists).
Another useful feature would be a tutorial/training mode where the buttons touch/soft pressure sensitive and showed you the position of the finger(s) and letter/button you're pressing before you fully pressed it.

Comment Re:It's SENSATIONAL! But also kind of BORING! (Score 1) 180

Depends on the vehicle. I've been almost that fast in the passenger side of a car (don't remember what it was), it felt fairly quick. 130-140mph can feel kinda slow and cruisy on a modern sports bike (to the point where you have to be _extremely_ careful in what you do with the throttle), whereas 60mph can feel faster/more dangerous by comparison on a 2-stroke from the 70s. A larger bike from the late 60s felt like it was going to fall apart at 110.

Comment Re:Previously Smallest Shadow (Score 5, Insightful) 51

It's a damn sight more exciting, and memorable than one group of people being slightly better at kicking/throwing/chasing a ball than another group of people that evening -- and I've seen people cry, yell, shout, scream, and beat the shit out of anyone who doesn't agree with their reaction in response to sports.

Comment Re:Destructive experimentation (Score 4, Informative) 652

Uhm, you seem to be on a rather circuitous route towards what quantum physics is all about -- or at least field theories.
To take an example, a large atomic nucleus doesn't have a bunch of distinct electrons whizzing about it, it has a bunch of electron-ness in its general vicinity.
The electron-ness can only be poked/prodded removed and replaced in set amounts. Electron-ness consists of energy, charge, spin and a few other things. These quantities must always be added and removed in specific ratios if you're adding or removing electron-ness. You must remove charge in chunks of 1 electron/proton charge, angular momentum in a fundamental unit of spin (plus a bit if your whole system is spinning), energy in electron masses plus a bit if your whole system is at a different potential, and so on.
But when the electron-ness is all together, there's no way we know of to distinguish the different bits, and it's even provable that they share certain pieces of information.
So to go back to your glass analogy, it's as if we discover that we can break an iphone screen into five chunks of glass, and _everything_ glass is made of some integer multiple of chunks that mass. When you have a whole piece of glass, it looks like that -- an unbroken whole, but you can only break bits of a certain mass off no matter what you try (the concept of size is a bit more finnicky). Also if you hit one part of the screen really hard and listen to the echo it'll sound like that portion of the screen was an individual chunk, much smaller than one fifth of the screen for a moment, but if you wait a little while and poke it gently it looks like one unbroken whole again.

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