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Comment Not new here. (Score 1) 300

I know. I know. I am not new here. But, people, please read the article; not just the summary. The ones agreeing with just the summary are a little brainless. The ones saying how wrong the summary is did not read the article.
The article doesn't just talk about "jerk that's right" vs. "nice but wrong". It addresses managing the logical, geek, stupid sucks and makes my job harder mentality. Not that management will ever read this article and walk away willing to change anything.

NPR Story on the Future of Nuclear Power 353

deeptrace writes "The Living on Earth show on NPR recently had a segment on the future of Nuclear Energy. The nearly hour long show is available as an mp3 and in transcript form. It talks about hot fusion, cold fusion, and Pebble Bed Reactors. It provides a well balanced and informative overview of progress towards their use for future nuclear power generation. Most interestingly, they talk with Dr. Pamela Boss and Dr. Stanislaw Szpak at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego. Dr. Szpak says of their cold fusion experiments: 'We have 100 percent reproducible results'."

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