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Comment In other words, only certain people are allowed (Score 1) 40

Being able to downvote was and will be abused by people. This was done by Hillary Clinton and her actblue minions during the 2016 election in notable online forums including reddit's r/politics. What's worse is the fact that they really didn't hide the fact and reddit administration failed to hold her or her campaign accountable.

If you dared to counter the prevailing liberal opinion you'd be instantly downvoted 100 points in a flash as the hired boiler room lackeys spotted your post. And, because you received that number of downvotes your ability to post was restricted.

Essentially it became a tool for censorship and propaganda. It's truly no wonder the cesspool known as Twitter wants to implement it.

Comment Re: Neil who? (Score 0) 599

No. It's like complaining that there's problems with a television channel that interviews somebody a bunch of people hate then the musician deciding not to sing on the late night show because said television channel decided to interview someone controversial.

I have a tried and true idea. If someone does not like someone for whatever reason, They can just flip the switch and turn it off and move on. There's literally hundreds of different places one can go now.

The internet doesn't have to be burned down every time the thought police cry.

Comment Re: They only talk about relative risk reduction (Score 1) 311

It's really hard to post data about what there may/or not may be when researchers have to fight in court to get access to the data

When people and companies work in ways that are not transparent, then it becomes difficult for some to trust what they are saying.

Or, when vaccines have been pushed on demographics that maybe do not need them. The Moderna vaccine has a greater risk of Myocarditis than Covid19 itself for certain age groups.

As the doctor astutely pointed out, there will be a penalty paid for eroding the public trust, and that has has happened in spades.

Demanding accurate statistics and data does not make someone an "anti-vaxxer" as the "vaccine bullies" want you to believe. Because that's exactly what's happening here. People are bullied over Covid for one reason or another and now there's pushback. Of course.

I don't know how this pandemic could have been more mishandled especially in the last year.

Comment Re:Sunken cost fallacy (Score 1) 282

We had our chance to put this to bed last summer when vaccines were ramping up and before Delta took hold,

No. By a longshot. You are completely out of touch with what is now happening. The Omicron variant is now evading completely all vaccines. The singly, doubly and triple vaxed are now getting infected with Omicron. The single purpose of a vaccine is to stop transmission of the virus. This is no longer taking place.

Which leaves the vaccine's^H^H^Hmedication's sole purpose as a treatment

Which, not coincidentally in my opinion, any and all discussion about non-vaccine treatments have been shutdown entirely by bullying which entails smearing, being slandered, being belittled and ridiculed, and ultimately being "cancelled" or fired with people losing their livelihood because they dared to challenge the narrative "it's going to be vaccines and nothing else even if we have to use the national guard to round people up and stick them in 'camps' or forcefully vaccinate them." What makes this much worse is the mainstream media has actively being part of this effort as well.

Rather than have rational, science based debates about treatments/therapeutics - which could have been part of the toolkit alongside vaccines in dealing with the Pandemic. Instead of it being either/or it could have been both.

I'm sure many reading this post will say "but there have been no studies" about treatments. Two years out now, there's a massive wave of Covid hitting us with tens of thousands of people getting infected daily (and that includes *all* of the triple vaxed as well) and there are no studies completed into treatments?? Why is that?? Because any discussion into that was shut down and not allowed early on at the highest levels of bureaucracy. Again, all the eggs are in one vaccine basket torpedoes be damned.

But now, there are studies into some of those treatments (which can not be mentioned without banning) should be completed by March, just in time for real herd immunity to have been achieved and the pandemic to wind down in time for spring. We will know then what may have been.

I hope, for the vaccine sycophant's sake that they were right. Because otherwise that will mean that countless American's deaths were needless which will need to be answered. With trials into exactly why professionals were bullied and kept from practicing medicine honestly the best they could with the knowledge they had.

One thing about President Nixon he at least had during Watergate back in the day. His corrupt actions didn't lead to the deaths of other innocent Americans.

Comment Re:Stewart Rhodes = Glowie. WHAT ABOUT RAY EPPS. (Score 1) 294

Your post smells like counter ops. For those who smartly want to understand what the "other side" is positing, I suggest finding Tim Pool on youtube whose IRL show 1/14 digs deep into the where and what not of everything relating to Ray Epps.

There comes a point when people promulgate too many falsehoods and their house of cards they construct falls down. And I'm not talking about the Oath Keepers.

Comment Re:Dick-swinging by the FAA (Score 0) 19

No. Not pointless. My guess is that the FAA wanted time to get their own engineers in place to watch for and catch any out of bound transmissions created by the cell companies.

The problem is digital data can be very harmonic rich. Good on the FAA if that is the case. Air travel will be that much safer.

Comment Your fear pr0n meter (Score 1) 187

Reports from South Africa are suggesting due to Omicron's more rapid ability to reproduce at the same time likely makes it have a less mortality. I.e. it inhabits the respitory track instead of the lungs. Because it is fast it will outpace and then displace the dangerous Delta variant (which does inhabit the lungs).

I submit that Omicron might could now have the same mortality as the H1N1 Swine Flu which was around 4%. Omicron symptoms appear to be lighter than the Swine Flu.

If this is correct, shouldn't we now be treating Omicron the same way we treat the Swine Flu??

If the vaccines are not really working anymore, maybe instead we should buy everyone a gym pass - if everyone's general health improves the mortality should go down. No matter how dangerous Omicron actually is or not.

Comment Re:lol do we believe each other? (Score 1) 81

Any supply chain we have i.e. trucks that move on highways to supply grocery stores could be severely damaged if not destroyed. So that would mean no access to food for most people.

Which kind of makes me feel like this agreement seems more like a permission slip for China to invade Taiwan. Also, they would likely need to bomb US intelligence bases in Australia in order to blind those. Apparently China's leadership is so Xi Jinping centric there's not a lot of countering voices to this idea allowed in whatever faux government the CCP is.

The problem is not Taiwan per se, But that China has some real demographic problems (low fertility and too many old people. Boy that one child policy in the 80s sure looks stupid now!) along with a food supply problem in order to feed those old people and not enough fresh water to use in the fields. Not that they can find enough people to return to the fields to work them anyway.

So, what will a government that thinks it has no options and its back against a wall do? Invade and confiscate another country's wealth and hope no one shoots back.

The only upside is that "old" men (aka the patriarchy) who are good at warfighting suddenly become valuable again...

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