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Comment Re:Sabotaged (Score 1) 309

I have refused any Sony product for years because of their warranty process. If you think you have a claim, you ship the product to a certified center. There are few of them, and you cannot become one. If they find that the issue is warranty, they fix or replace, then ship it back. If they find nothing wrong, they ship it back and you pay both ways. I had DOA laptops that came back as " unable to recreate" . It wouldnt boot, at all. This was at about a 10% rate. Also, if it failed in use, the hard drive of this model was under the keyboard, and we had very proprietary stuff on it. If we removed the drive, the warranty was void. I had to build in a > 10% failure rate to the budget so we could just pile up the failures and cannibalize for parts.

I dont know if it has improved, but the cost of their stuff isnt worth the risk for me to find out.

Comment Re:Sounds like a problem... (Score 1) 507

I intentionally did not state my opinion, so I don't know how you are accusing me of being against single payer. Lumping me in to a large group and insulting that entire group is a cute way to make people not want to take your thoughts seriously. My statement was to keep the conversation on a topic of the GPs thoughts of redefining the entire concept of insurance, or what it is to be insured. I was trying this to avoid the name calling that political disagreements create.

Comment Re:Sounds like a problem... (Score 1) 507

as the least centralized authority is the individual, it seems you are either trying to outlaw insurance companies, or legalize and new form of robbery. It is hard to distinguish your policy from pure individual responsibility for payment and possibly replace any insurance with a line of credit.

Im not saying your wrong, but I am saying that you are not discussing insurance.

Comment Re:Preparations (Score 1) 230

yikes. I guess I dont have to deal with that often enough to really consider it in my plans. Im in Atlanta, and it may get cold enough 3 or 4 times a year that we have to let the water slowly drip to avoid freezing pipes. If there is no heat, then maybe 2 or 3 taps will be set to drip to make sure nothing freezes. Im not naive enough to think that this strategy will survive in places that actually get cold

Comment Re:Preparations (Score 1) 230

heat = gas powered water heater. I have done it before, in a different home than current, and it worked great. The water heater stayed available, so I would fill one gallon milk containers with hot water, and keep that under the blanket that I had wrapped around me while i sat. If you keep enough of these going, and hang blankets in the doors, you can keep a room far warmer than it would be.

I realized this was working as I had a pet lizard, and was keeping his cage heated this way. He had a thermometer and I was keeping a close eye on it, and by the second day of freezing and no power I realized that he was living the good life, so I adapted it to me.

I currently have a tankless water heater, which is likely a disadvantage in this scenario, and have the desire to put it on a small solar set up as it pulls a very small amount of power and having it never turn off would be a great help. I also have a gas stove/oven , and it uses electricity for thermostats and lighting, so I want to run it on solar also.

Comment Re:SIX ... LONG YEARS to stop the program (Score 1) 310

how does this matter. Only one of the three names mentioned here ran specifically against the policy of the Bush administration. Part of the reason he got elected was to have the country stop acting like an ass. The other two did not get elected, partly because the country knew they wanted to continue many policies that were unpopular.

Comment Re:It not logical Captain (Score 1) 466

yes, kind of.

The trains either dont get right to where you need to be, or they stop everywhere and take too long.

My long distance issues that require a plane are either 1) cross an ocean , or 2) go 2000 miles by tomorrow.

If I had an option of a decent length travel for vacation, with no schedule to drive me batty, I would love to take a comfortable train ride.

Comment Re:It not logical Captain (Score 1) 466

i am 6'2" , my wife is just under 6' . We pay attention to the seat sizes.

I actually nearly refuse to fly at all, but when i do it is because driving isnt an option. This usually means long distance, and $20 will never cover the cost of a week of pain from being wedged in tightly. I will look at the structure of seating for the airlines in general, the structure of the seats for the specific flight ( usually ) and try to figure out how often a different plane configuration is swapped in, as that changes your seat location and everything.

If there are a few options, and one is a bit more expensive but offers the slight edge in comfort, then the choice will go with the better configuration.

Comment Re:let's look and see (Score 1) 245

checking on Iron Man 3 reference. It is only available through the mail, not streaming. Having a list of stuff I want, and having them send me what happens to be around is far less convenient than streaming at any time I feel like it.

Grosse Pointe Blank is the same.

Avengers is available to stream.

Comment Re:Doulbe Standard (Score 4, Informative) 279

so i dont think that the true story is being used here in the reasons and the manner that the Guardian destroyed the files. When i see " asked politely" then I know that this is being set up as spin. " we will politely ask you to come with us and politely sit in jail and rot forever, politely, or you can politely give us the stuff", and the response was to not hand over, but to destroy, with full knowledge (on both sides) that there were other copies, and the destruction was only for show.

Comment Re:Deep down.. (Score 1) 610

I am commenting on the lack of anger for the wrongdoing. People tend to turn a blind eye to actions done by people they agree with or vote for, or at least give them more of a benefit of the doubt. This will occur even when the action has nothing to do with the reasons that the person has voted for the wrongdoer. The republicans try to be angry at what is going on, but they just spent years building up an infrastructure and starting these rules. And then when anything is found, the war drums from the loony tunes on the fringes get fired up so fast and loud that anyone who wants to be viewed as sensible has an initial reaction to ignore. The democrats, who were angry at this stuff, cant be angry as they are busy defending the regime. Now that they cant defend it, they cant do anything, as it is "Their" guy.

stupid two party system got us good on this one.

Comment Re:Deep down.. (Score 1) 610

i am not saying both sides as a justification, I am saying that it is occurring, but many people are seriously invested in their "side" being good and right. When it turns out that there is no way to defend your sides actions, and that it is all one muddy mess, then there is no anger to be found as there is no external enemy. The people dont have an opposing party that can be blamed for committing the wrongdoings anymore, and the anger has no target.

Comment Re:Deep down.. (Score 4, Insightful) 610

I am afraid this is more true than we all want to believe. Everyone likes to prove their side is great by showing how shitty the other side is. Well, we now have proof that both sides are happy to screw over anyone who stands in their way, and willing to stand all over the very essence of the country to do it, and have declared themselves above the law. As the current party had a large following of voters based on hatred of the previous regime because of its transgressions against laws ( foreign and domestic), and its ignoring of human rights, there is a giant problem now that the side they supported is not only committing equivalent acts, but ignoring all pleas from the population for any kind of inclusion.

There is no one to be angry at but ourselves, so no one is angry.

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