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Comment Obligatory Shelley quote (Score 4, Insightful) 336

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away".

Comment Seriously? (Score 1) 231

Does anyone really believe that people are going hungry because of IP restrictions on 3D printers? I have nothing against open source or building cool stuff, but the idea that this stuff is practical for solving problems is just a fig leaf of respectability for people who like to play with very big toys.

Here is a group that is providing IP-free technology that is at the right scale (sub-industrial) and uses the right power source (animals, human muscle) to increase farming productivity where it is needed: http://www.tillersinternational.org/farming/tools.html

Comment Re:Einstein said it best and that was YES (Score 1) 1486

It's amazing how many scientists and mathematicians conveniently ignore Einsteins's speech on this matter. It's almost as if they sweep it under the rug because it's too uncomfortable to face the fact that all math and science are based on axiomatic "a priori" knowledge, basically it's faith.

It's true that science makes axiomatic assumptions, but only the ones that are necessary to do anything at all. Convenience and attractiveness are not criteria.

Comment red herrings (Score 1) 413

Speaking of obfuscation, the article by the FSF drags Node.js and V8 into the discussion, even though they have nothing at all to do with the client-side javascript that the ostensible topic of the article.

Also, as the author mentions, it is possible via greasemonkey to do essentially what is wanted--modify the client-side javascript--so it seems like an ideological point rather than a practical one. The "obfuscation" of the javascript source is as much about reducing the bandwidth consumed by javascript as is it about hiding the source code from the People's Republic of GMail Users, so it would be silly to transmit the original source.

Of course, linking to the original source would help people write better GreaseMonkey scripts. Since I live in Michigan, which is being turned into a banana republic by its governor, you will pardon me if I throw up a little when you conflate freedom and convenience.

Comment witch hunt (Score 4, Insightful) 669

Watch the documentary Witch Hunt (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1196112/ , it is on netflix streaming) to see how incredibly destructive these kinds of claims about pedophilia can be, even if the facts in the accusation are completely absurd. (In another case not covered in the movie, very young students claimed that teachers used a system of underground tunnels to get to a secret dungeon, and this was accepted as fact.) Communities can very easily enter into a kind of mass hysteria and put innocent people in prison. Given the history of things that have happened to teachers in this country, the school policy is not unreasonable.

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 1) 729

honestly these guys are full of shit. I come out of a family with a long tradition of strict religion but me and both my siblings are non religious. Sure this is only anecdotal evidence but the article also doesn't have the data 100% on its side. Their entire study is based on this sentence:
"an individual’s predisposition toward religion is likely to be influenced by genetics"

Maybe you should go ahead and look at the wikipedia page about Mendelian inheritance.

Comment arbitrary interpretations (Score 1) 671

You could just as easily explain the relationship between college and income by social networking..the people who have the better jobs went to school with the rich people who are hiring, even without having gained any cognitive skills (or any other skills for that matter) in college. I thought that was the point of a BA.

Comment Re:The Real Title: Kalamazoo (Score 1) 237

. Kalamazoo happens to be one place that the governor feels is doing things right...

Ahh yes, let's think about how Kalamazoo is doing. Its biggest employer is Phizer, but it didn't used to be Phizer.

Your argument might be more convincing if you could spell the name of the company that you are talking about. Maybe not, since you didn't get the facts right, either. None of those small companies were independent; they were spinoffs created by people who lost their jobs in previous rounds of downsizing as the Upjohn facilities changed hands several times over the last 20 years. Pfizer did not consolidate anything into Kalamazoo. They pulled out everything but animal medicine. If any Michigan city has benefited from consolidation, it is Ann Arbor.

I am not agreeing with the o.p. or the governor, or making a statement for or against Pfizer. Just pointing out that you were making shit up.

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