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Comment Re: Genocide (Score 1) 503

The fighting over the last millennia was mostly coming from Europeans trying to colonize the Holy Land. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire they succeeded and here we are. Palestinian Muslim, Jews, Christian and others were proud to live at peace with their neighbors. The European Jews brought the racism and white supremacy to Palestine.

Comment What are they replacing it with? (Score 4, Interesting) 204

What are they replacing it with? It wouldn't happen to be natural gas, would it? Methane is 84 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2 and all methods of extraction and transit are very leaky.

This is not to "clean the climate," but to "clean public tax dollars" and put them in private accounts.

While I'm not an advocate for coal, it is possible to filter the exhaust sufficiently that the only escaping atmospheric pollution is on par with methane power production.

Ultimately, we need to change our forever growth economic model to a model based around human survival and quality of live. The Earth won't survive another 100 years of exponential growth in GDP.

Comment Capitalism (Score 1) 279

There's absolutely no way to balance this equation. Capitalism as currently functioning requires exponentially growing populations to continue exponentially growing profits, which requires exponentially growing production, which requires exponentially growing energy usage. Thus, Capitalism = death to the planet. There is no such thing as "crony capitalism." There's no such thing as a regulatory system which can constrain the externalities of capitalists. Capitalism, aka free markets and wealth accumulation, is simply a broken model that only works in simplistic models with many idealistic assumptions.

Comment Re: They said the same thing about Walmart (Score 1) 148

Welcome to the concept of quantitative to qualitative transition. Monarchies still exist today and subsequently feudalism in some small realms. But capitalism is the predominant mode of production. Yanis is arguing we have transitioned to a new mode of production where free markets are no longer the primary way consumers access goods. He is obviously correct about markets, but I'd argue it's still just monopoly capitalism.

Comment Maybe the models are wrong (Score 1) 160

Most economist spend most of their effort carrying water for their funding. What we have learned is that all the mainstream models are biased models based in ideology more than historical reality; Many heretical economists know this already. For example, regarding China, western economists have been predicting a collapse of growth for decades and they have been wrong for decades. But, Chinese economists continue to deliver consistent results in terms of actionable steps to promote economic growth and increasing welfare across all strata in their society. Why? Because the China's economists aren't driven by ideology, but simply the most lucid depiction of reality possible. That is why Western economies are losing ground so quickly.

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