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Comment Gaming Laptop (Score 1) 38

Is the need to game so great that you need a laptop? You can't go home and play your games there? For half the cost, you could get a gaming desktop with better performance, no heat issues, and no swelling battery. Gaming laptops have always been an absurd luxury, and one that I see more complaints about than any other tech product.

Comment Why did the American Empire fall? (Score 2, Funny) 39

Was it because they all drank from lead goblets? Was it because they couldn't produce economic growth even with the staggering debt they took on? Was it because they did not reinvest in the people, infrastructure and society of their nation sufficiently? Or was it because they invented something called the Internet?

Comment Steve sez (Score 1) 104

Steve sez most of the compatibility problems of switching accounts across platforms will be solved when you upload your brain into the cloud. Which cloud? The Apple cloud of course. Then you will be a perfect digital consumer, and the only product you can use, will be the Apple product, because you are the Apple product. Thank you.

Comment Reading list (Score 2) 150

Started reading the Illuminatus trilogy months ago, need to pick it up again. The world's fascination with conspiracy theories will never end. Conspiracy theories hold the promise of answers, and endless answers at that. Why is your educational system failing, infrastructure falling apart, jobs being moved to other regions or nations, value of your home collapsing? A conspiracy fills the emotional and psychological need for an answer, and with an endless chain of coincidence, can supply the need. Q Anon is just another. Maybe it was the discordian society the whole time.

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