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Comment Re:PCI (Score 1) 517

Now, every day, you're going to get every script kiddie in the internet trying to poke holes in your network.

Uh, how is this different from our current reality? Do you think nobody probes Google's or PayPal's servers, because they might get in trouble? And I don't recall parent saying it should be legal to steal the information, just that people behave unreasonably when you point out a gaping security hole.

Comment Re:Inevitable. (Score 1) 511

If one page slows/freezes the browser, the entire application slows/freezes

That there is the single biggest reason I switched to Chrome. I got so fed up with the whole browser freezing up every other time I loaded a new web site. If they switch to a process-per-tab setup like Chrome, I'll consider switching back.

Well, not exactly the same. Chrome has this problem to an extent too, because tabs belonging to the same website share a process. So if I'm reading a news site and open up several articles in background tabs, the one I'm reading becomes unresponsive while they load.

Comment Re:Inevitable. (Score 1) 511

I use NotScripts, and while it's not quite as good as NoScript, it still works great. Seems development has stopped though, but it's already perfectly functional as-is.

Actually, I use NotScripts for Chrome OS, which is basically the same thing but removes the need to edit configuration files with a password first. It does introduce the possibility of web sites looking at what sites I've disabled and enabled, but I really don't care if some site knows I let run scripts on my browser. This also makes it easier to recover your site settings from a corrupted profile, or when you want to move them to another computer, both of which have happened to me.

Comment Re:imagine explaining Christianity to an alien (Score 1) 484

Of course Catholics are Christians, but they don't represent all of Christianity. They do things other sects don't, for example, the transubstantiation thing we're talking about here. You might say Catholicism is a superset of baseline Christianity.

To put it in a car analogy, all DeLoreans are cars, but not all cars are DeLoreans. DeLoreans have certain features that other brands don't, and they certainly do many things differently. So if you're going to make a crack about a time travel, you better make sure it has a DeLorean, because those are the only kind with enough room in the backseat for a flux capacitor.

Comment Re:imagine explaining Christianity to an alien (Score 1) 484

Catholics take that verse far more seriously, and to an extent literally, than most other Christian sects. They have something called transubstantiation, in which they believe the bread and wine of the sacrament physically represents Jesus's flesh and blood. Most other sects view it as a metaphor, the flesh and blood being the word of God. As only Catholics attach literal meaning to this statement, any cannibalism jokes should be directed at them.

Yes, I know I'm being overly pedantic. In my defense, I had way too much to eat at thanksgiving dinner and am currently only capable of nitpicking wisecracks made by strangers on the internet. I promise by this time tomorrow I'll return to Slashdot's regular schedule of car analogies and Apple hating.

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