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Comment Re:Bhumibol Adulyadej must be a giant (Score 1) 325

"friendly people (just don't try to hire them to do work for you unless you understand their work ethic and speak their language)"

I take it you've spent a bit of time here then?!?! You're spot on! Welcome to my daily life of employing Thai's! (not to say they're ALL bad, just most of them)

Comment Re:Bhumibol Adulyadej must be a giant (Score 1) 325

Dude, you should read up on your history. HM The King certainly isn't a turd, he is more of a binding force between the 2 major sides in Thailand (being red shirts and yellow shirts and those in-between) and sadly he has no power over these laws (which have been in affect in the Kingdom loooong before HM The King was born) -- However on several occasions he has requested for the Lese Majeste rule be eradicated but under Thai law, he doesn't have the power to be able to do this. He has even mentioned that if anyone should be criticized it should be himself. Don't hate The King, hate our retarded backwards government who puts more emphasis on dollars, cents and saving face.

You better start saving up for some SSD's then! :)

Comment Modems are still useful (Score 1) 338

I have a bunch of external US Robotics 28.8k modems that I have since put to good use on an old Debian machine (old old Pentium 1 Thinkpad with a broken display) acting as a scan server. People can email pdf's with the phone number in the subject to the machine and it will fax them out. It will also act as a repository for receiving faxes and drop the fax into an inbox.

Yes, I hate fax machines, and to this day I still don't understand why email cannot be sufficient, but until people think the same way as me, this works quite well and makes me chipper that my old shit is being recycled (and saving a ton of paper in the process!!)

Comment Re:UI jokes (Score 1) 319

THIS! Seriously, this is the biggest thing that irks me with Unity! I know it's small fry but damn it really gives me the shits trying to grab those scroll bars! Yes, I know mouse wheels exist but I still want my normal bloody scroll bars back!

Comment Re:Screen Resolution (Score 1) 117

Cmon, be kind, It's a $250 laptop for Christ sake. I think we can allow an exception for the 1366x768 res in this case. HOWEVER, I still find it ridiculous to see the same resolution on laptops 3 times the price, especially since my 10+ year old thinkpad rocks 1600x1200. Oh god, don't get me started on how useless screen resolution is these days.

Comment Buy some GOOD shelving (Score 1) 230

Proper indexing (0-9, A-Z, by genre) and Libreoffice Calc/Excel will go a long way! At least if you need to import your data into SQL or something, you can easily do it from an spreadsheet.

Also some proper shelving that isn't too deep will go a long way to ensure all the spines are visible. If this sounds too low tech for you, then go ahead and print out your QR or Barcodes.

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