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Comment Re:Intentionally once for me. (Score 1) 566

1) Sidewalks suck, they're rough and uncomfortable to ride on, require a much slower speed, require a lot of swerving around obstacles etc, and generally are not safe to be on.
2) Riders are legally allowed (and even required as opposed to sidewalks) on the road
3) I would be likely to end up in accidents hitting runners/pedestrians

People who drive just need to learn how to calm down and not work about the 5 seconds it takes them to slow down a few miles an hour and then pass safely.

Comment They hit one nail directly for sure (Score 3, Informative) 1201

We can’t do that, so you’ve got to be able to do the job perfectly from day one. The only people that can do that are people who are currently doing the same job someplace else. So it’s obviously pretty hard to find people if that’s your definition—if you say, “We want to hire people, and they’ve got to be doing the job right now”—because as you’ve probably heard, a lot of employers won’t accept applications from people who are currently unemployed. So basically we’re saying we’ve got to hire from our competitors. And you know what? There is kind of a shortage of people if you say, “You’ve got to be working for one of our competitors doing exactly the same thing you’re doing now. That’s what we want, and it’s hard to find those people.” Well, it’s probably true, but that’s not a skills gap.

That, that's the issue. I'm gainfully employed but I still find this to be a huge issue. If I want to switch jobs I can pretty much only get another job doing almost exactly what I'm dong here only someplace else. If you want to switch your focus you can only switch one or two key techs at a time. If I get tired of what I've been doing for the last 10+ years, too bad because no one will hire anyone with less than 10 years of experience in a long list of precise criteria any more.

Comment Re:Obama's Record (Score 4, Insightful) 351

The problem is here in the US, we're faced with a set of false choices. Both sides are lying backstabbing scum bags, it really doesn't matter who you vote for at this point. Obama just doubled down on the proof of this. People who point fingers at one side of the other are just missing the reality of the situation and getting caught up in the gamesmanship that is going on.

Comment Re:But /. said Linux don't get malware? (Score 4, Informative) 92

These people elected to install a program on their phone from a porn site without considering the security implications. This wasn't a virus breaking in through some security hole. This was a program that required the user to turn off a security setting on the phone and then install ignoring the security page (or they thought "sure it seems completely normal that some porn video player requires those security settings"). So the only blame here is the user doing something entirely stupid. iOS of course fixes this by assuming its users are stupid and locking them into only allowing apps from their market to be installed.

Comment What's odd? (Score 1) 251

OMG I want a PC I can carry around easily and have a keyboard when I want it. I must be a total freak to what such an odd device. I mean PCs have ALWAYS been laptops and only laptops right? Forever! Desktops never existed. And Tablets have always just been a screen right? For all of human history these devices have been split into the defined types and not one would ever think to try to break those molds....anyone who is even thinking about it should be dragged out into the streets and beaten.

Comment Re:How DARE they! (Score 1) 515

A federal government which consisted primarily of providing a part time legislature for handling treaties, a military for national defense (not national offense like Bush & Obama are fond of), and a court system that handled disputes between the states and ruled if people's Constitutional rights had been violated by state laws would be fairly inexpensive, and could probably be supported by a low excise tax on imports. The states or local governments can and should handle virtually every other aspect of government from roads, social services, etc.

1) So your perfect world is one in which your state drivers license is invalid in every other state because they all have their own government and no cross over? 2) WHY is it that people think that states can do it better? Look at the states were taxes are low and their government is small and you'll also see states where they rank in the lower half for education, road repair, facilities maintenance, crime control, etc. I agree that we need to find a middle ground but states rights is such an idiotic ideal I just don't see the point.

Comment Re:Beauacracy (Score 1) 322

They already spend a large amount of time on negotiating their funding and proving their worth. Every year they have to spend a lot of time justifying their budget and working to keep programs alive. So many people think the Government is just a rubber stamp on more money every year (and I'm sure in some cases that exists) but for the most part it doesn't work like that. I agree we need to work on improving government efficiency but the freak out that people are having on the subject is leading to a lot of misunderstanding.

Comment Re:Beauacracy (Score 1) 322

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Learn some things about what AID does before you go around spouting off. Heck if you want to eliminate the vast majority of that 0.5% of the budget just stop having wars and stop supporting Israel (since the vast majority of their budget goes to Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, and Pakistan).

Comment Re:Beauacracy (Score 1) 322

There is this perception that all welfare recipients are these irresponsible drags on society who do nothing and just pop out kids. There certainly are these cases but I think they are more likely your outlier than you realize. There is this narrative that anti-government people like to use where the welfare people are all these drug using urban people living off the government teet but I think anyone believing this should step back and think about how reality works in these sorts of narratives. The world is not this simple black and white place and the easy things to believe are not usually the correct ones. Educate yourself on how welfare programs work and what good they do before you offhandedly judge everyone involved.

One interesting article on the topic:

Comment Re:HBO and iTunes and a story of not pirating (Score 1) 1004

Exactly, my wife and I bought it on Amazon after it was out (we hadn't really heard much about it before then so no real wait there). My wife really liked it so she bought the books but now she is getting frustrated that we can't watch the next ones until sometime probably almost a year from now. She has already started talking about pirating it and she isn't even the type of person who knows much of anything about these sorts of things. She would be happy to pay for it but we can't unless we want to pay an additional $60+ a month just to see it.

The entertainment industry is shooting themselves in the feet trying to force everyone into a small box. If they'd just open up and say that your internet access is your medium and everything else is either individual shows or even service packages you can pay for (thus they could still bundle) then they would be doing fine. Now they're just driving potential customers away.

Comment I like Google+ more (Score 1) 456

For multiple reasons (interface, lack of clutter, fewer ads, etc) but I don't use it much since not many other people use it. I pretty only use FB to see if anyone else posted anything interesting....since that almost never happens I only look at FB once a month or less. Generally I think FB is being used less as well and of the people I know about 90% come either from 5 or so people who seem to have no real life or companies putting up ad posts.

Comment Doesn't even need to have anything wrong at all (Score 5, Insightful) 368

We throw away perfectly working pieces of tech. Thing accumulate around the house and just become clutter to be picked up and tossed during a spring cleaning. The problem is that newer tech makes it so that almost no one even wants old laptops and such. Then there is the risk that there is something person stuck somewhere inside and you have to spend extra effort clearing it completely to be safe if you want to give it away. I have an old laptop sitting around that I have run some clean up tools on and I'm still not quite ready to put it up on Freecycle. We really need better recycling programs for old Phones, batteries, etc. People are going to just want something new when the new thing is 100x better than the old thing even if the old thing still works.

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