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Comment Re:SaaS = Vendor Lock-In As A Service (Score 1) 330

Could you be more specific what's wrong with Google's offer? So far Google didn't do anything wrong, so no reason to assume they will. They provide a free service, they provide you options for downloading all your stuff, there is no lock in. And about data-mining: They probably do, but this doesn't hurt you at all. And as long as they don't do anything bad or wrong with all that information you don't need to care. And so far there is no sign of them doing the wrong thing.

Comment Re:This is no debate... (Score 1) 717

And religion does not aim to create a model of the physical world at all, but to explore the dimensions of the spiritual one; therefore science and religion can coexist, as neither duplicates the efforts of the other. QED.

Sure, in general they can coexist. No argument there. But as you say, this holds only as long as the religious people stay off the realm of science. And since that realm is growing over the years, religion has to retreat more and more. A thousand years ago it was fine having religion making claims about the nature of rainbows and lightnings. Today science conquered that turf by delivering better explanations. Unfortunately Christians have a problem with updating the bible, and this is what upsets people.

Comment Re:This is no debate... (Score 0) 717

A philosophical background doesn't prove anything. As long as religion takes some random text from some random book as the only truth it is arbirary. On top of it is even an arbitrary interpretation what should be taken literally and what's allegory.

And if String Theory indeed were unfalsifiable it would be completely useless. And making fun of it would be appropriate. Its supporters of course do know this and claim it is falsifiable. The whole idea of science is to create a *useful* model of the world.

Comment Re:This is no debate... (Score 1, Insightful) 717

Coyne is unreasonable ...

And here this is a good thing, because you cannot reason with religious believers. This is why those guys usually have a big advantage: They are not bound by logic or reason, they can say the most crazy things and their followers swallow it dutifully. The only way to argue against them is to make fun of them. Which is what Coyne did.

Comment Just ignore it if you don't like it (Score 2, Insightful) 898

It's similar to the Muhammad cartoons: Somebody makes fun about a dead guy, offending people who care deeply about that guy. So if those cartoons are considered Free Speech the same should apply here. Even more so because here we hurt maybe a few dozen people, with Muhammad it was many millions.

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