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Comment Re:Not that frightening (Score 0) 243

Hack into New York's water and sewage systems. Or a nuke reactor. Or even a power grid.

If any of those things are internet facing, we can forget about the terrorists. The idiots already won.

Not to fall into the trap of IT elitism but I'm not sure that a little fear wouldn't be good for the industry. I'm certainly not advocating that we start hacking reactors or power grids but given some of the horrors I've seen, a boogeyman might do us some good.

Comment Re:Bullshit, and yet... (Score -1) 554

If people want to feed their kids toxic garbage, they should have the freedom.

Wrong. If people want to feed themselves garbage, they should have the freedom. I'll grant you that. But the second you start feeding the same garbage to your children, personal freedom is over. Having seen the kinds of lunches (read as: processed corn) children bring to school, it borders on child abuse in many cases.

Comment Re:I'm not sure what the big deal is. (Score 0) 239

Anything found as a result of pulling you over would be inadmissible. Smelling your weed would be irrelevant because the officer would have never been in a position to smell it had the system not flagged you. In the States anyway.

Unless the officer was going to pull you over for some other demonstrable reason (which is likely where the LEO would push) anything found would be originated from the faulty stop.

Comment Re:Also I think you're a troll (Score 0) 151

You're confusing morality with how people will actually behave. Morality describes how people *should* behave and is certainly universal. Your nuclear Holocaust or zombie apocalypse may change people's willingness to perform bad acts but it does nothing to change the moral status of those acts. Cultural relativism is nothing more than moral escapism; a convenient way to ignore atrocities that happen a sufficient distance from "home".

Comment Re:Clang/LLVM in FreeBSD (Score 0) 418

Why not use any of the open filesystems and provide an Autorun driver install. There are existing ext2/3 drivers for Windows and even if there weren't, I doubt that a FS driver is beyond Google's engineering department. FAT wasn't the best decision, it was the easiest.

And before someone complains about usability, complex peripherals (which a phone really is) have been using this technique for ages. If a couple clicks to connect your phone to a computer is too much, then a smartphone is probably not the best choice.

Comment Re:Regulating big business. (Score 0) 146

It's a good thing that a government finally stood up to regulate some of these big businesses. I'm glad to see that these big corporations aren't in the pocket book of Indian politicians... too bad this could never happen hear in America, where these companies would just hire lobbyists to prevent this from occurring. This is why we need to completely remove all business influence from American politics.

The sweet, sweet irony of your username is lost on no one.

Comment Re:Clang/LLVM in FreeBSD (Score 0) 418

I could definitely be wrong, but my understanding is that the Microsoft patent racket stems from patents on the FAT filesystem. Android formats its storage as FAT (to include compatibility with Windows, methinks) and MS saw dollar signs. Kind of incredible that the manufacturers are being charged for the "privilege" of maintaining compatibility with Windows.

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