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Comment Re:still fairly ridiculous (Score 4, Insightful) 178

Usless to who? Most people, including my mother, don't need those for their iPhone. The average user does not have those complaints. My sister's biggest complaint with the iPhone is that you can't use the keyboard in landscape mode for texting the way other touchscreen phones can (and that's why she eagerly wants the 3.0 update)

Those features would all be nice, and I think 3.0 will fix many of those complaints like tethering and background notifications.

Comment So? (Score 5, Informative) 409

Am I the only one who read the article?

One of the questions about our new terms of use is whether Facebook can use this information forever. When a person shares something like a message with a friend, two copies of that information are createdâ"one in the person's sent messages box and the other in their friend's inbox. Even if the person deactivates their account, their friend still has a copy of that message. We think this is the right way for Facebook to work, and it is consistent with how other services like email work. One of the reasons we updated our terms was to make this more clear.

That makes sense to me.

Comment No fair (Score 1) 156

Hey, I had totally thought of that first.

I'm actually blind in one eye, due to a badly-formed optic nerve before birth. I was hoping to replace it with something like Olhado had in Speaker for the Dead, he had a in-socket camera that would record everything, and he could plug it in and play it back for anyone interested.

Personally I'd get Terminator-style vision instead.

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