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Comment Wow, so many cynics (Score 1) 955

I've watched the series in it's entirety and I enjoyed the finale. I don't understand the vitriol here though. I feel like the writers did have a plan and the last couple of episodes felt like they were cramming too much stuff in because they paced it wrong. It was a little bottom heavy, but not BAD or AWFUL. They followed the Abrams formula of hyping the mystery and trying to give answers without being super concrete while implying the truth. This approach is an alternative to midichlorians, and is most definitely on purpose. Lost, just like any other good show, was character driven. The sci-fi aspects were just the setting. The finale gave some closure to the characters and some good implications on what created the electromagnet forces (hint: a volcano). If you enjoyed the mystery and characters of the show and are SO ANGRY that the ending wasn't up to your expectations. You may have have a hard time being happy in life. Enjoy the fucking journey babies.

Comment Give Up (Score 1) 256

How many times have we seen prototype code left for dead? I give this story a half-life of 1 or 2 days before Gabe counter strikes. The portal for a Linux gaming solution has passed, we might as well call this our day of deafeat. :( Team Fortress 2.

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