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Comment Re:de Icaza (Score 1) 815

De Ícaza compromised Suse, the most user-friendly KDE distribution and infected it with his Gnome cludge. I won't forgive that, Even though with KDE 4.10 we are almost back in the game. I think Linux would work *rock* the Desktop if its development would be handed over again to the German engineers and their gringo standards of quality, not to a Mexican toolkit demagogue.

Submission + - E.U. Fines Microsoft $732 Million Over Browser (nytimes.com)

bakwas_internet writes: The European Commission on Wednesday fined Microsoft €561 million for failing to live up to a settlement agreement offering consumers a choice of Internet browsers.
The fine, equivalent to $732 million, is first time that E.U. regulators have punished a company for neglecting to comply with the terms of an antitrust settlement, and it could signal their determination to enforce deals in other cases, including one involving Google, where such an agreement is under discussion.

Comment Re:I'll second that. (Score 1, Troll) 815

What I took very personal was how de Icaza wrecked the superior SuSe distribution which was the flagship of KDE. It was difficult to inflict more damage on KDE than the Novell acquisition and what Icaza has done with his toolkit fetish. Now KDE 4.10 is an absolutely impressive desktop but where would we be today if Suse had not been compromised by this Mexicoder. Caldera, Suse, Nokia. We see the picture! Suse has to be put into German hands again and become the driving force behind KDE. Stop the influence of all these incompetent US corporations and Mexican flame baits. Build organisational fire walls against poisonous coding. Libreoffice / The Document Foundation has shown the path to independence.

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