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Comment road rage story (Score 1) 358

Once, while sitting in line at a stop light just turned green, I noticed my young neighbor hadn't noticed the light change and was also texting. I tooted my horn and did a "wake-up/look ahead" gesture while mouthing "put the phone down". I'm not sure what she thought I said, but she chased me for miles and tried to run me off the road all while trying to take pictures of me and my car with her phone. You can't tell these kids anything. I would say let darwinism flesh these lunatics out if they didn't also endanger everyone on the road around them.

Comment Re:Corporations doing evil vs Govt doing evil (Score 2) 178

if any lesson should be taken away from the Tea Party movement in the US, it's that...

...a small, obnoxious minority of people can be funded by two billionaires to do "grassroots" (racist, divisive, etc.) marketing for a movement designed to protect said billionaires. FTFY.

Submission + - "User Agent" under attack? (wsj.com) 1

jduhls writes: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this WSJ article, which was also just featured on Al Jazeera English, seems to be attacking the use of "user agent" to present one's website or web application optimally depending on the user's browser and its capabilities. Restricting this would cause a bit of a mess on the intertubes, I would think. Geocities would rise like a horrible zombie horde, too."

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