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Comment Re:How about NO (Score 1) 138

Extra security measures on credit and debit cards are welcomed by myself and some others. Identity theft and store credit can be aimed at many innocent people. I've already had it happen. Someone went into Home Depot store and wanted very expensive tools and applied for credit on the spot in my name. Fortunately the store as well as their bank called me and I was able to prevent the transaction. A good national ID card combined with more secure credit and debit cards could save this nation a fortune. I'm in a smaller town and the sheriff tells me that about two people a day come to his office to report credit card types of thefts.

Comment Re:Boils down to: be reasonable, do what is expect (Score 4, Interesting) 362

We do need some laws that would limit the threats a prosecutor can make or imply. We saw a similar problem with condominiums in Florida. The condo associations would file suits for huge sums against a condo owner. The condo owner would be forced to retain expensive legal talent to defend and then the association would drop the suit. The condo owners were made aware that they could be bankrupted by that tactic as numerous suits just might be filed against them. The legal solution was to force the completion of each suit filed by a condo association. The same could be done for criminal law. A defendant could only be tried for the highest charge stated or implied. Since the prosecution knows they only intend to prove a lesser charge it forces the prosecution to only indict for the actual crime they feel they can prove. It takes bluffing out of the game.

Comment Balance Beam Cut IN Half (Score 2) 190

Like so many other situations only one side of the issue is being weighed. The nay sayers will point to all the supposed negatives that just might happen. But no notice is taken of the good these drones can do. Drones are so new that we haven't even imagined what can be done with drones. Obviously drones can stop a lot of crime. Drones can also save lives and do so already. Maybe soon we will see drones delivering pizza. But all we will hear about are the supposed negatives of allowing drones. We can not allow the extreme conservatives to constantly inhibit new technologies. Human activity has risks. Usually we can not calculate the benefits but that in no way implies that the benefits do not far outweigh the negatives. And as adults we do need to understand that we simply can not measure the good results from many activities. It is time to change our usual modes of behavior and thoughts.

Comment The Age of Three (Score 1) 268

The brain at births is not equal in all babies. The home is not equal for the first three years for all babies. After the age of three the outcome is already determined. Those born with ability and nurtured in a really good home will tend to do well and those that have a child that are not so great or an environment that is not so good will tend to fail no matter what. The only known programs that do well with the lesser children involve removal from the home and put in a very advanced learning environment. The parents and living conditions are the issue. Things like inadequate money in the home, parents who are not academic by nature, both parents working, are sufficient to ruin the life of a child. If the child is born with a better mind and nurtured in a better home then it still takes luck to produce an excellent outcome. A baseball to the head, an overwhelming teen romance or experimentation with dope can ruin a child's chances completely. The sad fact is that parents need to get used to the notion that most offspring will have a second or third rate life. We now have many top notch kids whoa re out of college and living at home due to vast economic failures in our society. Everything matters.

Comment Call Me A Luddite (Score 1) 674

Anyone who doesn't think that technology eliminates jobs needs to really think a bit. All technology is designed for the simple reason that it eliminates labor. Why else have technology? A can opener makes it easier and quicker to open a can. I no longer need 25 men with scythes to cut the lawn. One man with a power mower does the trick. We no longer have 90% of the public dedicated to raising food. Getting an ice cube in my soda no longer requires men to climb tall mountains to transport blocks of ice hundreds of miles. Technology simply eliminates human labor. The real threat is not the elimination of jobs as there are ways to handle that. The urgent issue is that we have become dependent upon too much technology and the slightest glitch can bring us into starvation and collapse. For example a passenger jet can bring people to us from far away very efficiently. And we can have an economy based upon fast travel. But one germ rapidly transported, far and wide, can spread a plague that we can not deal with at all. Technology also causes us to reproduce at absurd levels and one day we will reach the crash point at which we can no longer feed and shelter the majority and the pollution and violence will bring it all down to rubble.

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 194

I suspect that a child dull enough not to be able to judge the size of a piece of pie is unfit for education anyway. Just being in a classroom with normal kids should indicate some level of intellectual function. Part of the ruin of our schools is an effort to educate the ineducable children. That hole is so deep that it will not be filled. The best path might be to get them out of the schools by sixth grade and put them into a menial work situation such as picking oranges or washing dishes. These unfortuante American kids do get displaced by illegal immigrant labor.

Comment Mixed Blessing (Score 1) 233

Although growing gasoline in a factory like facility certainly beats ripping up the world to have the fuel available it really does have a hidden curse. The idea is to get off of fuels like gasoline entirely and this could perpetuate the use of gasoline. I would prefer the research money be spent on batteries than on producing gasoline.

Comment Crime Carears Plummet (Score 1) 513

Obviously when they start to compile this kind of data there are going to be millions of criminals exposed to the light. One of the greatest will be tax evaders. Now comes the real issue. Being able to catch so many just what do we do with them? Obviously we can not afford to keep the convicts already in custody. That being said how do we afford the arrest and conviction of millions more? Essentially the government will be stuck in a terrible position. Do they allow criminals to continue being criminals or do they wipe them out secretly?
                      Think about what will surely happen. Even if we simply stop crime we would throw millions into abject poverty as many people keep above water with the occasional fraud, cheat or thievery or maybe selling dope or illegal guns. Those folks would end up on welfare along with their families. Or they would result to more blatant crimes of desperation. Either way the end result will most likely be covert, police murders or maybe full scale extermination camps. What's a criminal to do?

Comment Already Here (Score 1) 81

Parents have used devices to study teen drivers for quite some time as have suspicious wives and husbands. In a way that establishes precedent. Having already accepted the right of one person to track another without their knowledge or consent how could we say it is wrong for other parties to do exactly the same thing? Black boxes for crash studies have been in many cars for quite some time and have been very carefully kept out of court cases in which they could provide vital evidence as to who was speeding or if the brakes were applied before the crash. We also have Lojack type devices that track car locations. It seems to me that we have already let this tiger out of the cage.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 3, Insightful) 128

The funny thing is that when lightning bolt like breakthroughs hit people almost never know from whence they come. Somehow I get a pic of a kid with a handful of Raspberry Pi units somehow feeding in and out of a multicore processor with a smartphone somehow involved crunching magical equations that leave my jaw hanging down. It is almost like the mathematicians at Oxford getting mail from an unknown person in a mud hut in India with solutions for equations that nobody has ever been able to do before. Genius is a sneaky quality. It lives where it likes and resides in unlikely meat bodies.

Comment Every Group (Score 2) 1293

Any large group has dregs. The Christian faith contains many types of people from geniuses to people who are almost fit to be in a shelter for the learning disabled. those that take every word in the Bible literally are the bottom of the waste basket in the faith. It does not even cross their minds that God could use evolution to create the universe and all that are in it. The faith is upheld by those able to understand what a wonderful, lovable, doctrine that was brought forth by Christian teachings. The New Testament is a radical departure from any prior faith or thought system. It is miraculous in its doctrines as well as a miracle in its linguistic construction. The NT may well be the highest use of language arts of any document in all of history. Portions of the Old Testament also demonstrate linguistic and philosophic sophistication never seen before or since its creation. The fruits of the Christian faith alone prove it to be of miraculous quality. Yet all the primitives can see are half sentences that they spew out of context.

Comment Florida Bone Heads (Score -1, Offtopic) 403

The Supreme Court has jumped on Florida more than once for absurd laws regarding the homeless. Essentially Florida tries to order the homeless not to exist. After all if the homeless can not exist on public property and are arrested for being on private property then there is no place at all they can exist. That is illegal. But being that we have major idiots in Florida government simply being fined by the courts over and over again hardly slows Florida down at all. In Palm Beach, Fl. it is illegal to feed the homeless. A church that fed and sheltered the homeless was fined into oblivion in Palm beach. The Palm Beach county sheriff goes on TV asking the public to never give money to panhandlers claiming that agencies do a better job with the poor. Yet those agencies are a nightmare of deliberate, political, malfunction. Even our wretched governor has been filmed stating that they wanted to keep it a secret that 90,000 Floridians were entitled to benefits that they were not aware of. This will not end until the right wing is kicked out of the state. Frankly we need people from all over the nation to help crush Florida government.

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