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Comment Re:Wait, what? The $ is in Nevada (Score 1) 866

No no... you don't get it. This is an EVASION of paying tax. They are going about manipulating state laws to bypass the regular payment of tax. And the reverse of your argument is just as useless; if the people paid ALL taxes, there's still less money to spend on businesses. How you choose to spread this distribution is very, very important though. In the end, just because Nevada offers a lax environment doesn't mean you shouldn't pay your state taxes. 60,000 people work for MSFT in WA State. As such, WA should collect some business tax since it is offering the infrastructure for those workers. Nevada, and it's several hundred, choose to rely on casino money. That's a choice, but circumventing WA is causing this mess. And then you unfairly put the burden on citizens of one state.

Comment Wait, what? The $ is in Nevada (Score 1) 866

Last I checked, Microsoft is paying ZERO Washington tax because of their puppet setup in Nevada. How about you go after that money before individual money. Why is everyone so allergic to taxing businesses? Business pays 1/7 the tax of individuals in this country, and that's flat wrong. It should be the reverse.

Comment Hypocrisy (Score 2, Insightful) 362

Pulling the ads is sensitive. Pulling the game at ONLY military outlets is wrong. If the game is "bad" enough to be pulled at military bases, where very mentally tough individuals reside, you sure as hell better not sell it to 14 year old suburban couch potatoes. They certainly will not be able to handle it. I do applaud them for pulling the advertising -- no need to waive it around inside bases.

Comment Re:Warrants (Score 1) 926

Surveillance by its definition is to watch without interacting. Tapping property with a device differentiates this. You can't "bug" a house with a listening device, but by this argument, bugging your phone would be acceptable. Surveillance is not equal to tracking. Tracking is an invasion of privacy, and when your constitution says, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures..." this means that when someone attaches something to your property, they overstep their bounds. Let's say that instead of a small device, imagine the technology was such that they couldn't hide it. Would it be used? No. They don't want you to know they're doing it. When the police act in secrecy, the only protection citizens have is that an impartial jurist must weigh the facts and decide whether to issue a warrant or not. Without that type of check, right now, there's no reason YOUR car can't be tagged. Or all of our cars. Police do not have that right, do they? It begs the question; if police can do something without a warrant, would it be ok if they did it to a thousand people? To you? Your mom? Your kid? And when do they start using this for tax-raising crimes such as speeding and parking violations? Where does it stop if a warrant isn't needed?

Comment Warrants (Score 1) 926

WTF is so hard about a warrant? I don't get it. The whole purpose of a warrant is permission to surveil, among others. Should it not be REASONABLE to ask a judge for permission to invade your private property? I'm ALL FOR the use of these if you GET A FUCKING WARRANT. Follow the damn Constitution!

Comment Every time (Score 5, Insightful) 367

If anyone wonders why anyone votes "NO" on bond measures and referendums, this is why. We all want good educations for our youth, but disproportionate allocation and spending like this wreak of corruption and misappropriation. Other nations leap ahead because they are actually putting real teachers in place, paying them well and firing the bad ones, and supporting students all across their country. Our system is so locally based that there is no way to ever lift up those in a bad tax base. Instead, the rich get rich public schools, and the poor get either terrible facilities or overfunded behemoths with sub-par teachers. It's really time to eliminate local school districts, and fund states equally. That way, when a state legislature passes more ed money around, it goes to the right places.

Comment Dear legislators (Score 1) 398

You dicks like writing laws ForTheChildren. Here's one for you. Write this law. It's a Federal Offense for any school taking federal dollars to capture images, or otherwise surveil students either 100' outside campus, or in any non-school building. This explicitly makes illegal the surveillance of any minor for any reason within the minor's residence. Schools are only allowed to record students on campus, or on school activities away from campus, and may only do so from school property. Additionally, any item issued to a student may be checked out to a specific student or group, but those objects may not in turn provide any additional information about the student or students who were issued materials. Finally, all devices that could be used for surveillance, including but not limited to, cameras, webcams, audio and video recording devices, RFID tags, or any other monitoring device may not be used to store, transmit, geolocate, or otherwise observe a student. Any incident shall be punishable by a Class 2 Misdemeanor. IANAL, but you can C&P, if you can handle it, Senator Typewriter.

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