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Comment Re:Video sucked (Score 3, Interesting) 43

Is your desktop sharing done through Skype or 365 or are they now considered one and the same. The company I work for is using that 365 crap which takes forever to boot. But I use desktop sharing through business Skype on a daily basis. And never had problems with it. Now, we don't use the voice part of it. Or at least I don't. Just curious.

Comment Re:Already implemented in places... (Score 1) 75

The only problem I have encountered with working from home is the VPN for work. And they have upgraded it to handle all their workers that are working remote. Shoot, other then that. No internet issues at all. The company is in multiple states, with some of them being very errrr. urban(read you can hear the banjo as you see still smoke in the woods).

Comment Re:GAY (Score -1, Flamebait) 117

Yes you are Gay. There is nothing wrong with this posting. Or what asshole, would you rather read about the increased domestic violence that would occur if people don't find diversions. And start stressing out on each other. But hey, your nothing but a fucking fagot that doesn't give a shit about your fellow humans. Fucking asshole

Comment After the Virus lock down, more medical issues (Score 1) 148

I bring this up because, everyone is locked down right now. Even people that exercised regularly will have cut back on that. Gyms that were open for people trying to stay healthy are now closed. People are staying home, less exercise. People stay home, no physical activity. People stay home, get bored in eat. Hell, people that stay home get on each others nerves.

Where I am going with this. Will their be a larger population with high blood pressure, over weight, higher sugar?

Now, I will say this from my last food run. The only shelves that were not cleared out were the snack isles and sugar drinks. I don't know if that is because everyone was buying toilet paper or other things like that. Myself, I find myself eating better. But, will others? I still am not getting the same amount of physical activity that I did before though. Even if that was only walking.

Comment Re:Mental health reasons... (Score 2) 127

Right there with you even though I live in the city.

When I went to visit a family member in a retirement home that was in a very rural area. Heard the banjo's in the background as I was traveling. I came to a conclusion. The rednecks everyone makes fun of. They will be the ones without any problem dealing with this infection. They are already secluded. They are probably the ones that still can goods, they hunt, they know how to fix things without looking things up on YouTube. They probably all have their own garden. And they are already armed and already know how to shoot in case the city dwellers want to try and take from them which they have had acquire on their own. They already are use to taking care of themselves, family and neighbors where a lot of city dwellers probably don't even know who their neighbors are.

Comment Re:Fuck (Score 1) 137

I would consider this a national emergency. National Security matter. With that said, I don't disagree with you in what you said. My thoughts are, the government might agree to pay for the vaccine. Buy and bulk, and distribute to most infected areas. Honestly, I don't see how the government can not be the entity that does the distribution. They have the most accurate(I hope) data of where most infected area's are. And would be able to prioritize where supplies are sent, and the amount that is sent to those areas. Just a thought.

Comment I know, nothing but Free Advertising. BUT (Score 1) 30

As someone that likes to read and usually either buys from Amazon or gets my books from the library. I am always looking for another source to get something to read from. I know that I have been looking for new release's from a couple different authors I read. Does anyone know if this site has new release's? Or should I just continue going to Amazon.

Comment Re:And there's a cap on how many people might get (Score 1) 257

Wish you posted a reference with that. Not because I don't believe you, just I would like to read about it further. And think about this, using your stat on the infected. A large number of elderly take cruises. And yes, I wish I had a reference link for that information myself.

Comment Re:Risk vs need (Score 1) 37

I am happy for you and your mother. No sarcasm meant. You are right, not all elderly use a computer or the internet. And that is not a bad thing or said with any type of disrespect for those that do not need computer or internet. Dang, I hope I said that correctly where no offense was taken

But right now, at least with the family member I have. He is in the rest home and has very few visitors. He also does not have a computer or smart phone. The last time I was able to visit him, I took my tablet and did a video chat with our nephew and his family who is now in Germany. The ability for him to see family that is so far away improved his spirit a great deal. I was trying to make arrangements to get my brother a tablet so that he could see more of his family/friends that can't visit due to distance or their own health issues. My brother would have needed help from the staff in doing the video chats, but I think the ability to see family and friends. Even in a lock down situation would have done wonders for his health. Still going to try and arrange something. But, that is what I was thinking of when I made my original comment.

Comment Re:Risk vs need (Score 1) 37

I don't think people realize how much the elderly rely on the internet and computers. These people are being isolated to protect their health, but the down side of this is. The elderly are already shunned because of their age by a lot of people. The internet/computer is a way to at least stay somewhat active with those they now. What, because they are old. We should lock them away and not have to deal with them at all. Make the rest of their short lives even more miserable? Seriously, when I read some of these comments(not yours). I think people don't realize they will be old some day too.

Comment Retired/active teachers right now are in demand (Score 1) 20

I know, this is about teaching your kid's to code while out of school. The fact of the matter is though, they are missing a large amount of time on subjects they need to graduate.

Friend of mine just retired from teaching a couple years ago. And she was already tutoring some of the neighborhood kid's who needed help. More families are coming to her to help keep their children on course with their studies. Now, it says something about her being respected as a teacher for this to occur. But I see this as an area where retired teachers or even active teachers helping children keep up with their studies.

All under the table I hope. Trust me, teachers in major population centers deal with more crap then I would ever want to deal with. Baby sitting 30/40 kid's because their parents are idiots. When they should be spending time preparing the kid's for their future.

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