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Comment I got one of these! (Score 5, Informative) 217

I got one of these, and I were very surprised that it was covered here! I certainly don't think the case is very sturdy, a few millimetres plastic was easy to crack, and I've done that. I've got some evil pixels on the screen too after dropping it once. I got mine with ubuntu, but I managed to thrash X and have not taken my time to fix it, I use it on daily basis exclusively with vim, but being the CLI junky I am I almost like it more that way than with a gui. I carry it around for all my lessons in school and I'm very happy that I bought it. A little weird thing with it is that the usb ports are upside down, no clue if that's a feature or something stupid =p A big downside for me was that it is i586, something I didn't think off when buying it, meaning that distros such as Arch Linux won't run on it natively.

Comment Ads that disrupt you when you read (Score 1) 507

The ads that I hate the most are those that stand out a lot. If you read a nice text-only story and there is a big fat flashing banner on the side it can easily make it almost impossible to focus on reading. The only thing I can do then is to hold up my hand and cover the ad, or use an adblocker, which isn't available at my web browser.

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