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Comment Re:what's the point? (Score 1) 211

What's the point of Aereo then? Why not stuck up my own antenna and DVR instead? What is the value? Is it just sticking the DVR into the cloud?

Well the obvious fact that antennas are not viable or effective for everyone, you also have the ability to stream to various devices.

I've been trying them out recently, and I do like the fact that I can pull up a recorded show on my phone or my tablet, even when I'm not at home.

However the viewing area is a drawback. I've spent most of the last month traveling on business, and my DVR was filling up with shows that I could not watch because I was not in the allowed viewing area... (and I was too lazy to find a proxy).

Comment Re:Damn.... (Score 1) 38

Remember, this is a prototype. 5 years ago cell phones were rather clumsy, too, and they'd been on the market for years. Expect the final (i.e., final before they start selling them) version to have a hidden controller, possibly in a belt or shirt-pocket.

In 5 years, maybe it will even support a camera too Our eyes could finally be used in order to perceive visual information. How cool is that?

Comment Re: "Senseless Death?" (Score 2) 199

I don't think that "persecution" is the right word.

We've created a monstrosity of a system that regularly grinds up many ordinary citizens for the sake of political and financial gain. He wasn't persecuted, but rather ground by the cogs.

Comment Re:I believe it (Score 1) 1010

"Someone might follow a faith for the moral story and community, while not believing that the deity actually exists"

      The term hypocrite seems to describe this pretty well.

I don't think you even know what what a hypocrite means. A hypocrite is someone espouses a belief system, but yet whose actions are contrary to that belief system.

There is nothing hypocritical about someone who prefers a belief system and community, uses that system as the foundation of his morals and ethics, but simply doesn't believe in the supernatural aspects of that belief system. I know many Jews that fall into this category. They follow out of tradition and community.

Comment Re:"Young people are sensitive..." -- not really. (Score 4, Interesting) 306

And when I raise the issue among my 40-something adult peers it's surprising how little people care and the "Where's your tinfoil hat?" look people give you.

You know, for years I've gotten looks from people that they thought I was too extreme in my views on rights, and my feeling that government is overstepping its limits. After everything that's happened, I've found that people lately have become slightly more receptive. I hope the trend continues.

But still, most people are willing to let their rights slide if it gives them the illusion of safety from terrorists, drug dealers, predators, and whatever villain we need.

Comment Re:Got to protect our instagramming! (Score 2) 306

How belittling it is to couple one of our most essential rights with the phrase "texting and-- you know, Instagramming".

Thank you for noticing that as well.

Our right to communicate freely without government eavesdropping isn't merely to protect inane chattering of teenagers, or to prevent embarrassing selfies to fall into the hands of government workers.

Our rights are also there in order to allow us to criticize the government, be contrariion, have unpopular viewpoints, and rabble-rouse.

Comment Re:Fuck Them (Score 1) 225

Perhaps I'm over generalizing. Perhaps some bankers share your view. However, the number of lost homes and the high profits of banks seems to indicate that yours is not the prevailing view in the industry.

People very close to me lost their home because banks were completely unwilling to renegotiate their terms to allow them to keep their home. The U.S. Government helped save the ass of banks, and they returned the favor by throwing people out on theirs.

Comment Re:well... (Score 1) 365

Where I live, in the metro area of a major U.S. city, I still only had 1 internet provider available to me until just over a year ago. I could get Comcast, or not have home internet. Now, AT&T is available, but their strategy appears to be offering slow internet bundled with TV and phone, for prices that seem fairly close to Comcast.

I keep seeing promotions for great deals on internet, but they only are offered by companies that don't service my area. I would love to ditch AT&T and Comcast both.

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