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Comment Re:Absurd. (Score 1) 167

They seem to use these fad terms as advertising. Every goddamn year I see these things on the news about the slang terms that will feature in the new edition of the OED. It allows them to get some lame press release together to pimp to the media, who eat that shit up and have "debates" about whether "goatse" or "haxxor" or whatever pop culture ephemera deserves to be in the OED...

Comment Re:Art Snobs (Score 1) 278

I think that games still haven't emerged as an artform. Any parts that people find moving are generally non-interactive cinema/story telling or music - i.e. already established art forms incorporated by games. It reminds me of, for example, early cinema that just aped theatre and failed to take advantage of the completely new creative opportunities allowed by the medium. There have been attempts at introducing choice and the consequences of those choices as a unique feature of game art, but only on a rudimentary level that has not been intellectually engaging (i.e. harvest or not in Bioshock, follow dark or light path in Jedi Knight games). It is just so difficult to try to introduce more complex themes in games and keep them entertaining and not excessively boring and repellant...

Comment Re:Already Running that Version on Ubuntu (Score 5, Funny) 797

Yeah, I agree, this is a great change. Before, I always wanted more blank space on the title bar, and it was a bit boring and unsatisfying to just maximize windows with a single input event. Minimizing windows to organize them with a single input event was always a bit unsatisfying too, your approach seems much more logical, and only requires a few dozen extra input events - I'm glad the choice to work either way has been eliminated. Yeah, dragging and dropping is very enjoyable, I always try to incorporate that into my workflow.

Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 195

I don't think he's referring to a product release "launch", but actually running an existing non-Steam game from within the Steam application. The only reasons for this are:
  • to show off to your friends on Steam what non-Steam game you're playing
  • to chat to friends on Steam within the non-Steam game (Steam hooks non-Steam applications so that shift+tab still works)
  • maybe to have the game in your list of Steam games so you don't forget about it?

Comment Groundbreaking (Score 1) 156

This sounds like a great idea. I'm off to patent my "touch display chair seat" invention. It just requires you to get out of the chair and turn around to see the display and interact with it. Imagine the possibilities. One could even use it to display data, instead of the monitor.

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