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Comment Re:Seems reasonable, actually (Score 2, Insightful) 944

We all have this power. If someone says something racist to you at a bar, you can record him and publish it with his real name on the youtubes. But should you?

You can do that...

But what you CANNOT do is to record him and tell him "if you don't do what I want, I'll post it."

That is blackmail and is a very serious crime...

Comment Re:Social Security (Score 3, Insightful) 472

You really, REALLY don't know what SS is, do you?

If you don't work, you don't get it... If you don't work enough years, you don't get it... How much you get depends on how much you DID make...

And even then, it isn't really enough to live on in any case... even if you get the max...

Comment What the hell is wrong with this idiot? (Score 1) 597

I'm 100% against child abuse and child porn, such things should have harsh punishments because the children cannot defend themselves.

This has NOTHING to do with children... these are robots...

What next, banning abuse of robot dogs because someone might then abuse a real dog?

If a guy wants to fuck a robot that looks like a child, I feel sad for him, but he doesn't need prison... maybe some counseling and a willing adult lady friend... but what the actual hell, are we now going to have thought police?

Speaking of which, can someone tell me why prostitution is illegal? Selling is legal, fucking is legal... so why isn't selling fucking legal?

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