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Comment Re:So what happens (Score 1) 249

2) demographics, you only need more housing with an expanding population, we only have an expanding population because of immigration!

That presumes people only have primary residences, and no weekend houses, snowbird getaways, or rental properties which might be vacant due to condition or outrageous rent, etc.

You also ignore attrition as homes are lost to floods, fires, multi-family housing being converted into single-family...

Comment Re:Radical honesty FTW! (Score 1) 225

Yes, they are. The only exception is if competitors in a given market are taxed differently. Otherwise, if the market is working at all, the taxes are passed through to somewhere.

It depends on the price elasticity of the products or services in question.

For inelastic goods (staple foods, fuel) it'll be largely passed through, because what else are you going to do? You gotta eat/stay warm. For elastic goods, it'll be split. If a Chinese manufacturer tries to make its customers pay 100% of the import tariff for some fancy electronics customers are more likely to do without or buy something originating from another country. So MegaCorp Conglomerated Ltd. might be able to pass on a larger proportion of the marginal taxes for its luxury goods, but not for its basic product lines... Or so goes the theory anyhow.

I was only referring to income taxes. I should have specified. Corporations should still pay property taxes, and should still be the point of collection of various other taxes, including personal income taxes for employees and any taxes used to offset negative externalities of the corporation's business.

Fair enough.

Comment What counts as success? (Score 1) 78

Is success getting though the stupid gate, or accurately performing the task? I still run into plenty of captchas were system has misinterpreted markings on the side of the road as as a crosswalk, misses half of the stop-lights in a scene, etc. And I therefore end up having to answer more of the stupid things for doing them right.

Comment Re: $15 Billion a Year (Score 1) 88

It is not. That's just what the masses are watching/what the algorithm is pushing. There's all kinds of interesting stuff, here's a smattering of makers, documentary producers, and other educators:

Honest Ads, Deep Look, Breaking Taps, Trekspertise, Mustard, Mathologer,
Glove and Boots, VWestlife, History Matters, CGP Grey, Integza, engineerguy,
Applied Procrastination, Project Farm, Peter Brown, PBS Idea Channel,
LastWeekTonight, Matthias random stuff, suckerpinch, Techmoan, This Old Tony,
SmarterEveryDay, Sam Zeloof, PBS Space Time, Nostalgia Nerd, PeterSripol,
Knowing Better, The 8-Bit Guy, Sally Le Page, Wendover Productions,
Primitive Technology, Tom Scott, Journey to the Microcosmos, RetroBytes,
Akiyuki Brick Channel, Cinema Therapy, NonStampCollector, Adrian's Digital Basement,
Steve Mould, Captain Disillusion, Xyla Foxlin Brainiac75, NileRed, NightHawkInLight,
Lindsay Ellis, Genetically Modified Skeptic, OskarPuzzle, Be Smart, Veritasium,
NurdRage, ElectroBOOM, styropyro, Hildegard von Blingin', Second Thought,
Reducible, Zogg from Betelgeuse, Quint BUILDs, Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer,
DarkMatter2525, LGR, Jeri Ellsworth, Practical Engineering, NativLang,
singingbanana, Langfocus, Bruce Yeany, Pask Makes, The Technical Difficulties,
bioZone, Vihart, Draw Curiosity, RealLifeLore, Awkward Puppets, Company Man,
Real Engineering, National Science Foundation News, Ben Eater, Up and Atom,
BobbyBroccoli, RimstarOrg, Linus Boman, Physics Central, World Science Festival,
Stand-up Maths, Kaz Rowe, Taskmaster, Scott Rumschlag, Kurtis Baute,
minutephysics, DIY Perks, JK Brickworks, The Thought Emporium,
Tech Ingredients, This Place, Defunctland, Ze Frank, Ali Spagnola, foodskey,
Bored Shorts TV, CrashCourse, TeachThisNotThat, The Science Asylum,
Cathode Ray Dude [CRD], OpenLearn from The Open University, Mark Rober,
3Blue1Brown, Nico71's Lego Technic Creations, The Royal Institution, SciShow,
Stated Clearly, Scientific American, Healthcare Triage, Just Some Geezer,
Paula Deming, Phil Edwards, Jay Foreman, WonderWhy, 8-Bit Keys Wintergatan,
Matthias Wandel, Ami Yamato Reactions, The Ling Space, Physics for the Birds,
Artifexian, More Perfect Union, MinuteEarth, Tech Tangents, xofunkox-scientific experiments,
Pug Mugsly, Sorted Food, PolyMatter, gemmaarrowsmith, ThePinkGeologist,
Maggie Mae Fish, Weird Explorer, PBS Origins, Adam Savage’s Tested,
Applied Science, Stuff Made Here, Rex Krueger, Cracked, WhatYouOughtToKnow,
Jeri Ellsworth, The Tommy Edison Experience, This Exists, Adam Neely,
Grand Illusions, TheOdd1sOut, In59seconds, Overly Sarcastic Productions,
The Rest Of Us, Welch Labs, Art of the Problem, Numberphile, colinfurze,
National Geographic, Mental Floss, LegalEagle, Alasdair Beckett-King,
freshhellseries, PBS Infinite Series, Glen And Friends Cooking,
SpaceJanitors, Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, TED-Ed, Periodic Videos,
bigclivedotcom, BrainCraft, GoldPlatedGoof, Let Me Explain Studios,
Morphocular, Half as Interesting, Sixty Symbols, Nick's Knacks,
Maker's Muse, Townsends, barnabydixon,, Technology Connections,
J.J. McCullough, PBS Eons

Comment Re:Fucked up priorities (Score 1) 365

And you educated members of society (be they tradesmen, artists, scientists or even *shudder* lawyers) contribute to society in myriad ways that an assembly of sticks does not.

The grand parent's analogy is imperfect, but that doesn't mean it doesn't highlight something worthy of consideration.

(It's not like the feds are the ones whom would ever repossess your home any way, nor would they make you repay your previous write-offs.)

Comment Re:Fucked up priorities (Score 1) 365

Actual service organizations i.e; 501(c)3 are fine. But 501(c)4s and the ultra-rich creating tax-haven trusts a.k.a. "foundations" should definitely go. Churches are tougher. Certainly any investments (land aside from church grounds, stocks, etc.) should be fully taxed. I could see letting them keep exemption on their temples and operating expenses, as long as its used for 501(c) equivalent purposes. Anything shunted into overtly political ends gets taxed first, just like 501(c)4s should be.

Comment Re: Drop the gas, use electric (Score 1) 297

The heat from a gas stove is transferred to your cookware less efficiently than from an electric stove. This is well established. similarly, a gas oven must exhaust the combustion products and consequently much of the generated heat, whereas an electric oven can be more tightly sealed.

As a result, the electric cooker's efficiency factor is about triple that of a gas cooker.

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