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Comment Re:Anonymous Cowards (Score 1) 311

No, I'm saying that when it's your own son or daughter that stands a chance to end up blown to pieces in some desert or jungle, it makes you think a little bit before voting to engage in unnecessary foreign entanglements.

But then, the people on top may have different ideas then you as to what defines an "unnecessary foreign entanglement"

Comment Re:War is and always has been economically-driven. (Score 1) 311

Just like to point out that WW1 started because of hundreds of years of scheming, conflicts and personal vendettas of various European royal families.

The scale of the war was so much larger because the countries had so much more money to spend or the war, courtesy of the colonies, but the war was not about the economy.

Comment Re:Me too.. (Score 1) 101

I too once received a knighthood:

"Dear Sir....

I am writing you on behalf of the exile king of ........ Our kingdom would like to reward you the golden cross, our highest recommendations, a knighthood.

In exchange for this great honor, we would like you to help with releasing the frozen accounts of the king, by allowing a small sum to pass through your account ....."

Hey, I've got one of those too!

We should find some peasants and start a crusade!

Open Source

Open Source Developer Knighted 101

unixfan writes "Georg Greve, developer of Open Document Format and active FOSS developer, has received a knighthood in Germany for his work. From the article: 'Some weeks ago I received news that the embassy in Berne had unsuccessfully been trying to contact me under FSFE's old office address in Zurich. This was a bit odd and unexpected. So you can probably understand my surprise to be told by the embassy upon contacting them that on 18 December 2009 I had been awarded the Cross of Merit on ribbon (Verdienstkreuz am Bande) by the Federal Republic of Germany. As you might expect, my first reaction was one of disbelief. I was, in fact, rather shaken. You could also say shocked. Quick Wikipedia research revealed this to be part of the orders of knighthood, making this a Knight's Cross.'"

Comment Re:my filter proposal (Score 1) 255

What about the Google level filtering? I mean typing "kiddy porn" in the search engine wont get a link to If anything its just got companies selling filtering software.

The filter wouldn't of changed the kiddy porn distribution one bit because I'd imagine that stuff would be done mostly peer-to-peer.

Regardless of Govt, I think Google's done a fine job stopping what it can and that adding a filter on ISP's is quite redundant.

I always thought this filter campaign was simply a legal thawte at privacy allowing the Govt later to scrutinize peoples access better.

This is an excellent point. Here's my top 3 result of my google for kiddie porn:

(possibly) malware, wiki, and a 13 year-old scaremongering article.

Off to clean my cookies

Comment Re:Looking slightly dangerous for Rudd (Score 1) 255

Work Choices.

If Rudd didn't get into power things would have been very different during the GFC. With Work Choices in effect wages for every profession would have dropped through the floor, mass layoffs would have been commonplace and working hours increased. We are extremely fortunate that Rudd repealed Work Choices before the GFC actually hit.

What? How will wage decreases lead to increased unemployment!

Contrary to popular belief, the last three years under Rudd have not been a total disaster, our national debt is not spiralling out of control, in fact we are one of the few nations to come out of the GFC. Debt is at far less then 10% of our GDP, right now I have more cash in the bank then is required to pay my share of the national debt (A$9,050, BTW, my state of WA is in the black) and this is during a global recession.

Then you should know that the federal government had less to do with last year's growth, than China did.

Here's where you go horribly wrong. right now Labor cant do anything without the Greens and independents, I want to keep it that way. Green preferential vote goes towards Labor so Labor remains in power whilst being reliant on the Green party who has openly opposed Labors more insane policies this term such as the filter and ETS. My interest is in keeping a minor party in a position of power as they are actually afraid of being voted out. My preference is two or three minor parties but I'd also like a pony.

Bloody agreed!

Comment Re:Looking slightly dangerous for Rudd (Score 1) 255

The worst possible scenario for Australia is a dripping-wet, semi-naked Tony Abbot being elected Prime Minister. This is something we fear deep in our hearts.

Really, as a (West) Aussie I fear a federal-Rudd, state-Labor rule. Can anyone spell GST increase?

And an FYI for our overseas friends: the political party is spelt Labor, even though Aussie spelling of the word is labour.

Comment Re:Looking slightly dangerous for Rudd (Score 1) 255

Frankly the Coalition scare me more then Conroy. Both the leader of the Liberals and the Nationals are ultra conservatives (not in the good way, they are religious nutbars) so voting them in would be just as bad, probably worse then another 3 years of Rudd.

I would like to point out the Rudd is actually more of a hardened Christian than Abbott

Comment I'm with India (Score 1) 108

I picked up a lovely dirt-cheap Chinese wireless card a month ago (Tenda from Jaycar in Oz for those interested).

Upon installation, the windows kept losing focus - type-type-type.. wtf (clicked back into the window).

Thought I'd watch the network traffic a bit, and sure enough; type-type-type.. window loses focus... network traffic spikes a smidgen...

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