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Comment Re: Good, it's about time. (Score 1) 121

Exactly this. The reason audio sounds shit in so many new shows is that by default, you are probably listening to the 5.1 surround sound track. Bonus points for if your TV has stereo rear facing speakers. You're absolutely never, ever going to hear fuck all with that. Some film and TV shows will allow you to select the stereo (or sometimes called original) track. If you do, I guarantee the audio will sound miles better.

Comment Re: OMFG quit coming up with excuses (Score 1) 98

I'm almost right on the edge between gen-x and millennial, and I tend to agree. I also work with, and have taught, a fair number of gen-z folk. They seem to be switched on, and extremely aware about global issues. It's a nice thing to see in all honesty. The "Are We The New Boomers" bit was a joke, referencing how once Boomers die off, the Millennials will probably become the next generation that everything is blamed upon.

Comment Re: OMFG quit coming up with excuses (Score -1, Troll) 98

Hi there! Millennial here! I went to public school, paid my way through University with a loan and a job, paid off the loan after I graduated and ... bought a house with regular income! It's called not being fucking dumb with your money and taking a degree that's worth something.

Comment Re: Why even a missile? (Score 3, Funny) 396

Anyone with even a shred of experience in how modern avionics work would know that the A10 need simply perform a half barrel-roll to bring its gun on target. The A10 is a spectacular piece of equipment; did you know it can fly upside down for 50 minutes with only one wing and half an engine functioning? It was practically built for high altitude balloon interception.

Comment Re: Why did they start allowing them? (Score 2, Insightful) 289

Modded funny, but somewhat 'sadly funny' in my opinion. We are of the one child persuasion as are some of our friends. It is amazing how few rules those kids have compared to our own. Just recently we got made fun of by the other parents for leaving a kid's party 'early' because we are strict about 7pm bed time. These same parents then complain about their 3 or 4 year olds being up at 9, 10 or at some point in the middle of the night... because they follow absolutely no proper routine.

Comment Re: Absurd (Score 4, Interesting) 304

Lied to eh? Is it a lie, that Russia invaded Ukraine? Is it a lie, that their soldiers have committed genocide, rape, and indiscriminate shelling of civilians with cluster munitions? Is it a lie, that Putin spent the last couple of years hidden away buying into his own paranoia and propaganda? Is it a lie, that the Russian army is terminally corrupt and inept? Tell me, to what truth shall I one day wake up to? That the Ukrainians should have just laid down their arms and let Putin's imperial ambitions wash over their country? Say what you will about the US, but at least they have washing machines.

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