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Comment Re:What about the standard way ? (Score 2, Interesting) 405

That's right. No matter how many warnings Windows 7 has, the end user will click right through the "This program is attempting to change Vcore and will destroy your computer" warnings. TC would work, but it's out of the question. The only real solution is ... none. As long as the end user has control of the computer, viruses and botnets are here to stay.

Comment Re:Depends on new DOM (Score 1) 414

Does this "war" even matter anymore? Twenty years from now, will anyone care what OS is running Chrome 15.2?

It depends on what W3C and WaSP recommendations get published and implemented between now and then. There's still no widely implemented DOM for 3D graphics, nor is there a DOM for reading events from joysticks or home theater remote controls.

You mean what W3C and WaSP recommendations get published and ignored by Microsoft, which will simply fold everything into Silverlight 2?

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