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Comment Re:Is this a good idea? (Score 1) 75

Traditionally, the thought was there was one big intelligence for everything... people are more and more in favor for multiple types of intelligence

Is there a correlation, sure... but small; there are some people with a very high iq and low eq, very low iq, high eq. Cult leaders and politicians with very high eq and not necessarily high iq. Engineers with very low social game.... but none of these are valid generalizations for either example

as far as motivation goes, that's indeed a different ball game.

Comment Makes sense... Higher price, crappier content (Score 1) 97

Netflix keeps increasing price while bringing in lower quality content. At the same time, YouTube you can get more content on YouTube, a lot of it free. Sure, a lot of crappy content on YouTube too but there is a lot more of it, you can buy what you want. A lot of shows have disappeared sure to the new streaming services reclaiming their content and some shows

Cracking down on VPN temporarily bought numbers up but they'll likely bleed subscribers. Unless they fix their price to quality/content ratio, I expect them to become increasingly less relevant

Comment Re:Ah, /. editing (Score 1) 77

call yourself lucky, with their current trend for sensational headlines HYPOTRON, the headline might have ended up something like this:

BREAKING: Lone man wages war against invading badgers using unique home made high energy ultrasonic device, is it alien tech? You won't believe what happens next

I am putting an all cap pseudo tag because kind apparently there is a new filter that won't allow a lot of capitals in a message, WTF slashdot?

Comment Re:Decisions made in a vacuum (Score 1) 24

They say they will not remove the code for the foreseable future, unofficially keep the support for the foreseable future. Even then, python looks like python... most of the stuff like syntax highlighting should work

IMHO they are doing the right thing to sound the alarm since soon it won't be getting security updates. Though most apps will upgrade with no problem, some people wait until the last minute to upgrade... and if there is an issue, it should not be done at the last minute especially in a prod environment

As far as python being supported in distribs, it's more about the python team who seems to aggressively deprecate old version according to their calendar:

Comment Re:3.7? (Score 1) 24

For the most part should be compatible but there are more code breaking changes than there used to be within the 3.x tree.

Sure, I will always update to the latest and brightest but depending on circumstances, sometimes you just can't, especially when critical code is depending on a library whose vendor has disappeared

Comment Great prediction from guys who brought you wework (Score 5, Interesting) 106

AI is making good progress and generative ai does really cool stuff

Not to rain on his parade but AI people have been saying AGI would be achieved and AI Problem solved within 10 years for at least 50 years.

We'll likely achieve AGI... but right now all we have is a something like a very good parrot (parrots have some intelligence but I wouldn't have them perform surgery on me)

It might be 10 year, it might be a 100 years... it's kind of like the ITER fusion situation, we'll likely get AGI, but there is not enough to make a reliable prediction

Comment Oh wow what a savior, India had no music released? (Score 1) 38

According to the condescending article Indians release no music in the 70s, a scientist proved the existence of electronic music.... from what I understand through repeated experiment that validated the theory

I am really not liking the sensationalistic trend . Especially that tape archives exist all over the world of artists and yeah, they are deteriorating

What is it with the new too buzzword/sensationalistic tone of articles posts lately, it has generated at a lot of libraries of congress of nonsense

I feel obsolete, maybe it's time to look for a new forum.

Comment Give em a break, they got a 69, hit the sweet spot (Score 1) 91

It's normal some people are getting excited... they're feeling like they are over the moon

at the same time, some people are bitter feeling left out, like they didn't get any... life is hard

oh wait, are we still talking about space exploration :p

Chill people, chill, as the guru Bob Marley once said, don't worry about a thing, it's all gonna be all right

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