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Comment Re: Best of luck (Score 1) 334

Not sure if you are serious, but I am not bringing up Soviets or Nazis, nice try though. For that to work, I would have had to ya know... actually brought any of that up. You can't bring up a point and then get angry when someone else addresses it. That would be like the ultimate filibuster to most rational discussion.

Anyway, for future reference, the fact that Hitler got kicked back to Berlin where he offed himself earlier, doesn't help your case. He wanted to enslave and kill all of those 'subhuman' (his stick, not mine before you get confused) Slavs anyway. Your relatives might have a few bones to pick with you on that account... The only reason he isn't higher on the murder list is because he failed. He intended to be much higher. Sucking at being a terrible person shouldn't somehow gain you bonus points...

Finally, adjusted for population growth wouldn't Gengis Khan be lead?

Comment Re:So many useless languages... (Score 1) 67

It was okay, better than Java for sure, but still lacked pointers which made it clunky.

I am not entirely sure what you are on about, but you certainly don't seem to understand a few of the meatier differences between C and C++. I am actually not really sure you understand the key differences between Java and BASIC. This bit here:

garbage collect is dumb, pointers are what make your code fast and smooth operating

Is this like Poe's Law: Now for Programming? 0_o

Comment Re:What is it with people thinking... (Score 3, Insightful) 61

Well, first off, a home and car are not knowledge or intellectual property. Also I imagine you are using the labor or others all the time with your car and house. Unless you built all the related infrastructure yourself...

Intellectual property laws and copyright are intended to provide recognition, protection, and incentive to creators for a limited amount of time. During that time fair use is allowed and after that time the work should become public domain for the benefit of all.

Comment Re:Leave It Alone (Score 1) 94

How long will that last / iPhone growth has stalled?

I don't know, as I said I would prefer no one own them. However, the point is Apple isn't currently doing so, Google is, and the 'Apple's growth has stalled!' boy has called wolf many times, been eaten, and had his next few replacements repeat that same cycle. Apple is still at or near the top and their investors are still sated (as much as an investor can be anyway).

Comment Re:Leave It Alone (Score 1, Interesting) 94

While I don't want to see Apple acquire DDG, if someone had to, I would prefer it be Apple exactly because they are not like Google.

I know very well that Apple isn't different from Google because they are altruistic or anything, but that just isn't their bread and butter. They want to sell you expensive hardware. They are good at and make margins other companies can only dream of selling people expensive hardware.

What they don't do is make their money on user data like Google. You need to brush up on who makes what from where before throwing out nonsense.

Comment Re:Interesting choices (Score 1) 26

I agree with you that's a bit insulting to people who consult for a living.

You should hear what the retired think! :p

Seriously though, I am not sure why retired needs to be paired with another or really included at all. It is a poll asking what roll you fill. If you are not working, the poll doesn't apply. That could be taking a break, unemployed, retired, or other.

Comment Re:Irresponsible Behavior Should Not Be Rewarded! (Score 1) 402

The people that are stuck under "bad debts" should follow existing rules if they can't pay. Negotiate, go into bankruptcy, etc

The existing rules that do not allow student loans to be discharged through bankruptcy?

An "I got mine" mentality, while completely understandable, isn't very useful when looking at issues like these.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 109

Generally it is because many call centers want to micromanage every conceivable aspect of their employs time. This isn't completely illogical, they do it to try and control / deal with call volume. They wouldn't be able to do this effectively with WFH employs. The impact to customer experience that would result is (sort of) a matter of opinion.

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