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Comment Re:dude youre too naive to live in this age (Score 1) 1005

Post hoc ergo propter hoc .

The logical argument works as follows:

If it happened "by coincidence" (i.e. the events were unrelated), the probability that it JUST CHANGED the day after the SOPA protests was exactly the same as the probability that it changed 2 days after. And the same as the probability that it changed 3 days after, or the day of, or the day before, or n days before or after. All of which are near-zero probabilities.

Therefore, there is nothing particularly coincidental about it happening exactly 1 day after.

I.e., correlation != causation.

Unless you have something better than "it's too coincidental to be a coincidence", you have nothing.

Comment Re:U.S. law is the new international law (Score 1) 1005

Mexico has jurisdiction over the body.
The US has jurisdiction over you, to decide whether you had violated any US laws.
Mexico also has the right to ask the US to extradite you to Mexico to face trial if they believed you had violated Mexican laws (e.g. firing across their border, murdering a Mexican citizen on foreign soil).

Wait, was that not a serious question?

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