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Comment Re:Oh Noes! (Score 1) 583

I must say...I agree. I don't flip my desktops over while there's a disk inside. People just expect their systems to be as resilient as an N64. I once had a game that I found in a sewer in the school behind my house (I was an adventurous kid) and it worked and didn't damage the console. I cleaned the game obviously. But then again, I didn't turn my N64 on it's side either haha. Out of curiousity, can you turn a PS3 on it's side while a game is in there, spinning or not spinning? It looks like you could accomplish that feat with a Wii.

Comment My poor coffee (Score 1) 459

You owe me a new keyboard slashdot! Dx

You know what happens when someone is told NOT to laugh? I can picture it now...

PictureLady: No sir, no smiling.
Driver: *stiffles a chuckle*
PictureLady: Sir...

Maybe waiting two hours in a quiet room will remedy that however...By the way, at least in my state, you can call ahead. I was in and out in 30 minutes = record. Maybe that's why I have a big smile on mine....lol.

Comment Re:Just in time (Score 2, Informative) 207

I can confirm this 12 seconds and then 2 seconds after initial starting. My guess would be that it has something to do with ubuntu/linux's resource efficiency. I experience the same thing after not having used compiz effects and then all of a sudden using a bunch. After a second or two, they're running perfectly smoothly. Not sure why this is, but I think my box would run slower if this method was not used. Anyone know what I'm talking about specifically?

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