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Comment Bitchy yes, but they do have a point (Score 4, Interesting) 291


While I will concede that they do seem completely out of touch with the benefits of internet notoriety, there is a very salient point here: How do you hold content aggregator sites accountable for their content sources? Is it really fair that google makes billions a year while their most popular site is powered by stolen material??

Now you could argue that the real solution is for these writers to start their own channel and provide better copies of the content in a regulated manner. Some of my favorite artists have done just that in response to a plethora of their videos being on youtube.

That's only a couple of steps short of extortion though, and doesn't respect the right of the content owner to boycott google and it's hyper saturation of popular culture. And it still doesn't stop xXxRockerBOI from uploading his favorite song of yours with pictures of his girlfriend and lightning pictures as a slideshow.

When will we get a meaningful dialogue about intellectual property and royalties? These people always come across as greedy assholes, but that doesn't mean that they're entirely wrong about there being a problem, just wrong headed about articulating it.

Just my .02 ...

Comment Project Spring (Score 1) 381

Project Spring is an open source RTS platform that has the ability to be skinned and modified for user created games. There are several excellent remakes of the RTS classis Total Annihilation (upon which the Spring platform is based) with an updated user interface and much better POV control and queue management. My only beef with the platform is that it does require some good 3D hardware to run correctly. I can't get a good frame rate to save my life with my integrate radeon x1250... even on a dual core 3ghz Athlon! http://spring.clan-sy.com/

Comment Re:Social engineering is easier than engineering t (Score 2, Interesting) 57

We have also been subject to an Asterisk Vishing scam. We are an outbound autodialer, and somebody compromised a testing account that did not have a good password and attempted to use our PBX to pass on their Vishing message. It was for a bank and asking people to verify account information. Seriously??

We are always on our * console so it was shut down immediately. We called the a$$hole back too and listened to him sweat while driving in traffic. Still, weird stuff... I was considering filing an FBI report, but your experience is not very encouraging.

Submission + - The LHC in verse (aol.com)

SunSpot505 writes: ""Who says science doesn't turn people on? Kate McAlpine is a rising star on YouTube for her rap performance — about high-energy particle physics. The 23-year-old Michigan State University graduate and science writer raps about the Large Hadron Collider, the groundbreaking particle accelerator that has been built in a 17-mile circular tunnel at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland."

Quite an educational video on the LHC for those of us less familiar with high energy particle physics. Perhaps someone will get her a teaching grant when she's done as a technical writer at the Collider?"

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