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Comment Correlation blah blah (Score 1) 220

IT workers wear phones. IT workers are traditionally heavily caffeinated, at least I am, so that's 100% of IT workers. Caffeine also has effects on bone loss. The problem is that if both of these things are true I should be so brittle that I can't walk without my bones crumbling under my own weight.

Comment Re:Corporate Farming and Capitalist Failure (Score 1) 551

I have a small family farm - we raise pigs and chickens on pasture ( and we would never dream of using antibiotics on an animal that wasn't sick). Farms like the ones you described are propped up by subsidies that allow the farm to ignore the true costs of their operation. If that farm charged prices based on the true costs, I could more easily compete. Clearly there are additional factors, but it's hard enough to sell someone on quality or the ethics of how your animals are raised when the competitions prices are lowered by a big check from the taxpayers. To make matters worse, things like this and this certainly don't help small farms, but are indicative of how the federal government approaches this subject - send more money to big farms, make it harder for the small ones. I'm not saying government has no place in food safety, but you appear to be pinning problems on what you perceive as 'unabashed capitalism' and that just isn't the case.

Comment You are not the target audience (Score 2, Insightful) 702

The vast majority of computer users would never notice. Most PC users don't need the games you are worried about, or want them. They want web, email, and pictures of kittens. They should be using Macs, linux is a good second best. In the meantime they use windows, and their children and neighbors stop over to remove malware and reboot the box every few months. But if assuming that your own perspective is the only one that's important works for you, then go with it I suppose.

Comment Re:Sick of hearing 'no other options' . . . (Score 1) 162

I don't have cable. I don't have DSL. I almost didn't have satellite due to line of site restrictions. So I almost had cellular as my only option. I'm not sure how not having the other three makes you less likely to have the last. Is it a great option? No - but it's a choice to live somewhere that doesn't have those options. You are not entitled to the internet for free, and no one has to run tens of thousands of dollars of cable to your house just so you can.
GNU is Not Unix

New LLVM Debugger Subproject Already Faster Than GDB 174

kthreadd writes "The LLVM project is now working on a debugger called LLDB that's already faster than GDB and could be a possible alternative in the future for C, C++, and Objective-C developers. With the ongoing success of Clang and other LLVM subprojects, are the days of GNU as the mainstream free and open development toolchain passé?" LLVM stands for Low Level Virtual Machine; Wikipedia as usual has a good explanation of the parent project.

Comment It's all in the approach . . . (Score 1) 427

I was horrible at math until I got a teacher who tried something new - she told me to work my way through the book at my own pace and let her know when I was done - I finished high school algebra in a few weeks, after getting D's in (almost) every previous math class. Not everyone will thrive in that scenario, but the point is that it's all in the approach - a few weeks of effective education can be more valuable than years of ineffective droning in front of a blackboard.

Drunk History Presents Nikola Tesla *NSFW* 91

Amazingly accurate for someone so plastered. I think all history should be taught at this level of intoxication.

Android 2.1 Finally Makes It To Droid 132

MrSmith0011000100110 writes "The lovely people over at AndroidCentral have broken the announcement that Android 2.1 is finally coming to the Motorola Droid, with actual proof on Verizon's Droid support page (PDF). I don't know about my Droid brethren, but I'm pretty excited to see the new series of Android ROMs for the Droid phone that are based on a stock Android 2.1. As most of us know, the existing 2.1 ROMs can be buggy as hell and either running vanilla 2.1 or a custom ROM; but this phone is still a tinkerer's best friend."

Creating Electric Power From Light Using Gold Nanoparticles 77

cyberfringe writes "Professor of Materials Science Dawn Bonnell and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered a way to turn optical radiation into electrical current that could lead to self-powering molecular circuits and efficient data storage. They create surface plasmons that ride the surface of gold nanoparticles on a glass substrate. Surface plasmons were found to increase the efficiency of current production by a factor of four to 20, and with many independent parameters to optimize, enhancement factors could reach into the thousands. 'If the efficiency of the system could be scaled up without any additional, unforeseen limitations, we could conceivably manufacture a 1A, 1V sample the diameter of a human hair and an inch long,' Prof. Bonnell explained. The academic paper was published in the current issue of ACS Nano. (Abstract available for free.) The significance? This may allow the creation of nano-sized circuits that can power themselves through sunlight (or another directed light source). Delivery of power to nanodevices is one of the big challenges in the field."

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If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
