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Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 145

There is not a single reason to "only lend one digital" copy out at a time, other than to force some insane business model down the throats of people

There is this little thing call copyright law. It has to do with the RIGHT to COPY something. They have a right to loan out their single copy, but not more than one.

Comment Re:Now FIXED (Score 1) 165

The XSS attack should now be fully patched and no longer exploitable. Thanks, those reporting it.

about 1 hour ago via web
Retweeted by 100+ people

So, they tweeted that they had fixed a bug preventing unintended retweeting, and 100+ people have retweeted it?

Comment Re:Why do merchants need to retain CC info? (Score 1) 135

If, after a transaction, the hotel needs to do something like refund part or all of the charge (e.g. returning a deposit), it would seem like they should be able to do that with just the transaction ID. Is there something I'm missing?

The fact that VISA/Mastercard/etc (or by proxy, most payment processors) provide no way to do that.

Why do they need to retain the info?

When the customer inquires about a charge, they don't/can't/won't have a transaction identifier. There is no transaction identifier issued by a card provider, just an approval and authorization code.

Comment Re:Sorry, but copyright does control imports (Score 2, Informative) 259

A foreign import isn't reproduced under that monopoly grant and is thus illegal to import or sell in the US. Black letter law guys. The fact that in small quantities (and marked up over the closest local version as in the typical import album) the rights holders don't mind, but they still possess an absolute legal monopoly on reproduction of copies for sale inside the US so if they do decide they don't like an import they have the right to forbid it.

Too bad that isn't how they ruled in QUALITY KING DISTRIBUTORS, INC. v. L’ANZARESEARCH INT’L.

Held: The first sale doctrine endorsed in 109(a) is applicable to imported copies. Pp. 3—18. ...
(b) The statutory language clearly demonstrates that the right granted by 602(a) is subject to 109(a).

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