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Comment "Inclusive language" is hurtful (Score 1) 244

"Inclusive language" doesn't help anybody, except those who feel better by berating others. The ministers of susceptibility could very well write their own books, better than Dahl's, using all the words they like, and this way they would give their contribution to mankind; but no: all they can do is telling those who actually managed to write something that they are "wrong" and need to be corrected. And if you don't agree with them, it doesn't matter, they know better and everyone else needs to have his books remotely censored.

Comment AI causing layoffs already? (Score 1) 115

Google, for example, has highlighted the efficiency gains from AI that autocompletes code, as it lays off thousands of workers

Are we talking about Copilot here? Because I can't understand how it could have caused the layoff of thousands of workers judging by what it does. Maybe they write a lot of boilerplate code?

Comment Spyware = modern (Score 4, Insightful) 195

It's the second time in two days that I hear, from different spyware companies, that trafficking user data is "modern". It's their strategy: if all of them abuse the customer in the same way, then when caught they can say "eh, it's just what everyone does these days". I only wish there were more people in the tech press calling bullshit on claims such as "we need to sell your data to Steam in order to keep your PC secure".

Comment They have spying in their DNA (Score 1) 75

People at Google have become so used at enriching themselves by spying on every aspect of people's life, that now they genuinely feel that they are entitled to others' data, that it's something that justly belongs to them, for them to do anything that they fancy.

That's the only explanation I can give for seeing them *getting offended* at people requesting not to be spied without consent.

Comment OK but quantify the risk (Score 1) 77

We know UV light to be carcinogenic. As are eating basil, drinking a single glass of wine, or having a walk in the sunshine. What we really need is a measure of how big the risk of getting cancer from these activities in real life is. Since a lot of women use these devices more or less regularly, I think we would be seeing an increase in occurrence of skin cancer in the hands if they were significatively dangerous.

Comment Re: Spaghetti western? (Score 0) 339

the former is just a popular designation that mainly exists because "spaghetti" is a cultural icon that italy has never had a problem with being associated with

Bullshit, it's a derogatory term that was used to distinguish "real" western movies from what were considered cheap and over-the-top imitations.

but taking offense in that is really superficial, or intentionally seeking attention.

Exactly, this is the point.

Comment Re:This means they've rewritten it... (Score 2) 73

They had already rewritten it. And they managed to break text selection and keyboard navigation in menus; and the title bar is displayed with a black font, which makes the title unreadable over dark colors. We're talking Windows 2.0-era features.

I think we're starting to see the results of AI applied to software development.

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