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Comment Horrible Wii Release Now? (Score 1) 98

Maybe they will do what they did with Mario and release a horrible 25th anniversary edition of Zelda. For those that do not know: for Mario's 25th anniversary, Nintendo release Super Mario All-Stars on disc form for 29.99. Nothing has changed from that version and the version that came out on SNES. It is seriously the same exact game. What makes it even more messed up, is that every single one of those games is available within the Wii Store (sorry, I forgot the proper name of the Wii store) for cheaper than buying the disc. Maybe we will get lucky and for Zelda, they will just take the Zelda: Collector's edition from Gamecube and directly shove it onto a Wii Disc, repackage it, and sell that for an insane amount. For those that do not know, Zelda: collector's edition was on Gamecube (Wii is backwards compatible with the Gamecube) and for free (there were like 3 things you could do to get it for free from nintendo, and they were all very easy things to do) and this disc contained Zelda 1 and 2 for NES and Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for N64. Very awesome disc that you could seriously get for free. Knowing Nintendo, they will release the game saying it is limited, and then slowly push out more units to make money off of something that they put out for free.

Expect a rehash of a game that is already out, very readily available, has no modifications from the original games (no updated graphics or sounds or anything even like TV spots for the game or anything), and it will cost 5 times more than just hitting eBay and getting the original, and Nintendo will use classic Nintendo selling that they have been doing since they released the Wii (probably even sooner) to hype up the game and get way too many people buying 25 copies when the game is not hard to get.

Comment Anon is not so anon anymore (Score 1) 744

Hmm, I think the ego of people calling themselves anonymous have gotten to their head. Seriously, when did they start talking so damn much? Yes, I think the idea behind them is very cool, but all this talking is pretty dumb. Stay anonymous, do what you are going to do, and stop trying to bully your way around. They sound like a bunch of teens trying to act tough now.

How about instead of talking shit, just go do it. That's right, talking trash gets you noticed and put in headlines. If they want to truly be anonymous, maybe they should shut up about their plans, because now whoever gets busted from what they to do this website is going to get an even harsher penalty because of how planned this is. It has left the, "Oh, I am bored and I support this cause" to "Look at me! I am the almighty anonymous. Bow before me or else I will smite you." If you don't like somebody, just go tear their world apart. Leave your ego at the door and do it instead and trying to act all tough, because if you get pinched, since you opened your big fat mouth, even if it was 1 single teen that was told about it, every person that gets pinched is going to get hit so much harder since everybody knows who they want to go after now.

Good job guys. Way to wave that red flag around and then just sit there.

Comment Re:Not unfounded. (Score 3, Insightful) 162

It depends on what you are diagnosed with or what doctor you go to. If you have a medical marijuana card, you do not want hard copies. Many dispensaries get raided, and then the feds have your information and you get marked as a pothead. If they are digital, if there is a raid, most professional places have ways of handling digital documents properly. Something like that would be an instance where I don't want teh feds to have my records. And shut your lips, I have a condition I am getting treated for and need a way to get rid of the pain. You are not my doctor Mr. Judgy McJudgy Pants

Comment Re:who cares (Score 1) 520

Yeah, when he turns himself into a posterboy for Apple, he becomes a celebrity. I don't know if you know this, but Apple is pretty big now-a-days. If he is the face of it, well, let's just say he has successfully hit celebrity status whether he likes it or not, whether you like it or not, and whether I like it or not.

Comment Re:Why would you remake Heavy Metal? (Score 1) 771

Tell them to suck it up and be adults. I am just joking around trying to find different ways to say peenster united. If they are put off by a huge, floppy, swinging in the wind, glowing, super shlong of doom, then they should stop watching Jersey Shore and realize that it is only a weenis. I bet those same people would think the movie would have been amazing had the Dr been a woman. "Wow, they are really pushing grounds in this. Showing full frontal female nudity" Grow up and look at dong and stop thinking about sex. If you giggle when I said sex or dong, maybe next time the movie theater you went to should have checked your id better kid. 18 and older for a reason (or is it 17, I don't remember)

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