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Comment Re:Yawn (Score 5, Insightful) 695

it may be 'disaster of the week' for you, but to those of us who can pay attention for more than 5 minutes will see the direct correlation between this and the 1918 epidemic that killed 50 million people world wide.

The 1918 flu was theorized to have started in Kansas around March 4th. By March 11th it was spread as far as New York City. In weeks, it had mutated into a more virulent strain that went on to kill more people than WWI had. It had killed an estimated 20 million people in 25 weeks, and that was without global air travel.

I hope that this is just a minor incident and a false alarm, but since it has already proven to be resistant to the first two of the four major flu anti-virals (the neuraminidase inhibitors - Tamiflu and Relenza are the ones that seem to be effective so far), that in and of itself is cause for concern.

And if 80+ dead in 1000+ cases worldwide so far(and they are mostly healthy and young) are not more than 'nervous hand wringing' to you, then you are a fool. Add to that, is the fact that it has spread globally in a few days, spreads person to person rather easily and the chances of finding patient zero in a place like Mexico is going to be near impossible, makes this appear to be something that is more than 'nervous hand wringing by the talking heads'

Comment DOH! (Score 3, Funny) 314

That's what I get get for learning FORTRAN in college rather than COBOL...

at least my mad HTML skills..

oh wait... all websites are in FLASH or PHP now...


Ok.. im going back to watch a movie on my Betamax or HD-DVD player....

Comment I feel another part of my childhood has gone... (Score 3, Interesting) 71

I started playing D&D in 79. It was a part of my life growing up and well into adult hood (and still on rare occasion). I was fortunate to have met both Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson on a few occasions at various conventions throughout the years. Its a shame to see such geek icons pass, but sadly, that is life.

Thank you Dave, and Gods Speed!

Comment Re:I like Will Wrights stuff (Score 1, Interesting) 102

It was alright, but it had the potential to be so much more. An example, a +5 leg is just as good as 5 +1 legs. The game was supposed to be based on the evolutionary process, and yet, that process played no real part in the game. Also, once past the initial stages and in the tribal stage, it played like a second rate strategy game. To be honest, I got more enjoyment out of the creature creator than the later stages of the game. Now don't get me wrong, Wright has done some great work in the past... Sim City, the Sims, etc., but EA's fingerprints are all over Spore and the fact that Wright sold out rather than sticking to his guns to make the game he promised is evident in the final product. Now I know there is an expansion pack coming, so that may have add whole dimensions to the game that would change my mind, but I can't see spending even more money on a game that lost its replay value too quickly. SimCity and The Sims both had excellent replay value, but Spore got old quickly.

And I stand by my statement about Sid Meier. His games are vastly superior to Wrights and provide way more replay value than Spore could even think of. Civilization, Pirates, Railroad Tycoon, and the rest all provide nearly infinite replay (admittedly so did SimCity and to an extent, The Sims, but you needed expansion pack after expansion pack) value.

This is just my opinion, but I have been playing these games since the late 80s, early 90s. Now I am probably biased because two of my favorite games for my C64 was Pirates and F15 Strike Eagle (with Silent Service and NATO Commander in the mix as well). I know I am coming off as a Sid Meier fanboy (and I guess I am to an extent... I will buy pretty much any game his name is on or he had a hand in) and I do want to acknowledge that Will Wright made some great games as well, but Spore just wasn't up to his previous benchmarks of quality.

Comment Re:Idea shortage in LA (Score 0) 437

Honor Harrington would probably be better suited as a series. While the ship battles would be impressive (who wouldnt love to see ships of the wall being destroyed by X-Ray laser warheads on IMAX), its the personal interactions that make the series stand out above regular sci-fi.

On a side note, Id love to see the Flint/Weber Ring of Fire get the movie treatment.

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