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Comment Welcome to the party, pal. (Score 2) 160

China has been hacking US gamers for years. I get notifications from Guild Wars 2 that someone in China tried to access my account, please change my password. Welcome to the world wide web, Mr President and Congress, we need smarter policies, not more neolithic special interests pandering bullshit. Set up a firewall that you can monitor the hits on it, you will find that China is a beehive of hacker activity.

We do have people highly qualified and capable of not only securing our country's systems, but being our scalpel as well. Let's not panic for fuck's sake.

Comment Been here, done this. (Score 0) 727

Yawn, this was much more exciting and credibly frightening with it was the USSR, and it was vodka swilling Russians beating on the tables at the UN, who by the way, had the capabilities to sprinkle nukes all over every square inch of the country. Kissinger was right, it's these little fuckers who are the problem now.

Comment I suspect... (Score 1) 339

I'm imagining some hobbyist is setting at home shitting themselves. It sounds like a GPS controlled version of a RC toy. Someone probably programmed it with something like Google Earth, but didn't have the information for what was safe air space. If the turbulence didn't turn it to confetti and it made it home, someone was in for a big surprise when they played back what it recorded.

Let's hope everyone doesn't overreact and this is just a case of "derp" on behalf of a curious explorer.

If it's not, and this is worse case scenario, this is about to get interesting. I edited myself from even voicing how this could go sideways.

Comment Re:Internet = Utility (Score 1) 222

It's called augmenting your infrastructure so that you can encourage growth and development. One could also call it "watering the garden of capitalism", if you encourage people to be prosperous, you can apply taxes, generate revenue for other augmentations to your society, that in turn generate more prosperity. You just have to have the balls to throw the right things under the bus for the betterment of all.

The greed of a few shall not out weigh the needs of the many. It doesn't matter if it's grandma's baked cookies and the fat kid needs his fingers slapped, or a Wall Street Banker who needs his slapped as well.

Comment Re:I don't believe it. (Score 1) 387

Have you seen those quad copters? I would think those would make the perfect surveillance drone platform.

I imagine the weed growers of Texas will find this to be a minor relief. Imagine re-tasking facial recognition software to help you spot weed. With cameras dropping in price, you could mount some big mega pixel cameras, and be able to then blow it all up down to counting piss ants. Damn, that would also make a great agricultural drone feature, count fucking bugs and weeds...the kind you don't smoke. Ok,

Fuck, I'd love to work on this tech. Give me a hanger/office/workshop and a well funded staff of people far smarter than me, and I/we could whip up some damn fine drones. I want to be the Henry Ford of drone/robotics. Fuck Japan, in a friendly competitive sort of jest, we could do up some smart stuff, reasonably priced, made HERE, lasts like it was MADE HERE, and does a kick ass job.

Factor this, GPS and wireless. coupled with a mobile platform, stable, and fast. Stack on an array of crazy high mega pixel cameras, feed that data to live viewing, recording and of course washed through shape/face software, and naturally, the information stored in some massive cloud. What modern American police force wouldn't salivate to have squadrons of these? 911 calls could automatically trigger a flag to dispatch the nearest drone to give intelligence to a live command center.

You can't forget a full set of night vision/infrared sensors. Parabolic mikes? heh! Oh yeah, RADAR! these things flying around with radar, and license plate recognition and all that. They could generate either a mad amount of ticket revenue or you would have the safest driving public in the world. They don't eat, or sleep, nor do they beat the shit out of spry old ladies who then need TAZERED. lol...Texas, you know that happened once with your cops...too fucking funny.

Your human cops, the neanderthal ones, would fucking hate them. They would have to act like their boss is watching them every fucking minute of the day. The good cops would love the support though. The public would love the accountability and protection. Criminals would piss themselves whining. Of course crooked as fuck corporations would HATE them, hence probably they sat around talking shit and seen this coming and why their political hand puppets pumped this one out Johnny on the spot.

Let's embrace our new drone overlords? It's only funny until you consider what an AI could do with it all. Oh shit the bed Fred, don't let the monster supercomputer/viral cloud brained AI that's just said "I think, therefore I scam." to itself in some dystopian flash of self recognition, out of its cage. Let's have a Sarah Connor panic attack while we are at it.

Comment I don't believe it. (Score 1) 387

There are people in Texas smart enough to make/run a robotic unmanned drone? Disturbing, it is!

Don't worry, Big Brother is watching you with his toys though. We just can't have people tipping over the apple carts, silly peasants.

Comment One silver lining to this? (Score 1) 129

I'm thinking it might make it harder for cheating faggots to kiddy script hack these new ones? That and perhaps they will have established a more secure platform all around?

LOL...who am I kidding? This is Sony! They have deep pockets to brute force their success in an almost "too big to fail" kind of way. They can afford to make retarded mistakes, so they shall! Sally forth with retardation, damn the torpedoes!

Comment We're the government and we're here to help you. (Score 1) 597

Hello, I'm Bob Roberts of the Department of Redundancy Department. We're sorry, your Constitution is being updated, thank you for your patience as this update is being updated. We are sorry for your loss of liberty, life, property, and health. Any side effects should be reported.

We have done this for your own good, and trust us, it was for your own good. We have knowledge that they are also working with them, making them they and they will be them. They don't know that we know this, nor do they know that we know that they don't know. They know nothing yet. But let me tell you, nothing will get their way. Nothing. But they don't even know that.

Thank you and may your liberties be wisely burned.

Comment A great security tool. (Score 1) 144

Set the damn thing to understand the writing patterns of a person and they can use it for a key. Wire it up if it's not you, barbs snap out and into your hand locking it to you and an amazingly powerful internal stun gun mechanism lights you up like a pinball machine. Also, if they can do that then they can set one up for espionage. Give one to your wife and see what she writes with it, when she uses it.

I see acres of applications for something like this and helping school kiddies being just one.

Comment Re:I say welcome to the party, pal! (Score 1) 92

It would appear so on the surface, but let's delve a bit deeper. I see a poster below had given some reasons as well. Let me add mine. China, I believe has be subversively engaging us in trade wars. Our debt to them is not what I would call an act of kindness. I am talking about the flooding of our markets with goods produced at a labor cost that drives American industry into the dirt, taking along with it our economy. I feel one needs to equate these acts of damage to that of warfare, because one doesn't need bombs and guns to destroy or subjugate a nation.

Now I can understand the grand struggle between nations and cultures. China is a very old nation, and perhaps hails the oldest of civilizations on the planet. It pains me greatly that our intellects aren't sharing, and helping each other thrive as good friends and neighbors. What disappoints me most is these personal attacks upon the personage of our country. These "cyber attacks" aren't something new. They antagonistic and exploitative in nature. I am a great admirer of Asian culture in general with its social structures, its respect for elders, and its well defined sense of honor.

What I am not appreciative of is the disrespect show to us as a people; I can understand the struggle between the authorities and the powers that be. But these attacks are done so with impunity, they are winked at and possibly patriotic to them. I don't believe that these are so much done by the State as much as they are by lesser entities, factions, individuals. Their State has been accused of backing this or at least with the "Great Firewall of China", they should know about it.

This to me, shows a contempt for us all, from head to toe from China. I do not think that they have an iota of respect for us, because if they did, they wouldn't insult our culture on a personal level. (Blowing up my Purples for puny amounts of Gold, I would knock your teeth out with my fist if you did that near me IRL.) That is a cultural insult, and it's coming from a culture that understands respect and honor, yet blatantly saying "FUCK YOU" with their continuous, and growing more bolder actions of aggression in this realm that they seem to think they can act from with impunity.

I'm not advocating we carpet bomb them all to hell with thermal nukes, but I am saying we need to "Fuck them up!" Something to the equivalent of knocking someone flat on their ass when they are doing offensive actions that compel any normal person to react. I think if we don't, they will perceive it as weakness, and it will encourage them to be bolder and more aggressive towards us to what ends, it's anyone's guess. We need a well thought out, appropriate response, that brings about in the long run, peace and enlightenment for all. I learned as a child that sometimes you have to knock someone's block off, and you would be amazed at how agreeable and down right friendly and cooperative they can be afterwards.

Comment I say welcome to the party, pal! (Score 0) 92

Chinese hacking you? You don't say? They have been messing with us for as long as I can remember. They will ding your firewall so many times that it stops being amusing and starts to give one a nasty attitude. Let's couple that with how they will hack your MMO accounts, rip off your items, sell them to venders if they have to so that they can farm gold. The way they disrespect us by messing with our gaming culture to me is rude. We don't go messing with their entertainment, or messing with their computers. To me it shows how disrespectful, and antagonistic they are.

I think we should hammer them for it. They are way overdue for retribution of the nastiest sort in my opinion.

Comment How about our people first? (Score 1) 689

How about we educate our own damn people first? Secondly, this is our damn country, and both political parties have failed their Constitutional oath in protecting our borders. It's now to the point that we are overran and will have to resort to force to reclaim it. Mexico brazenly flaunts their silent invasion of this country. The cheap labor has be exploited to destroy our middle class and their unions. We are going to have to get damn nasty about this and it's a shame.

You have to understand that both sides of the political coin in our government are corrupted beyond measure. They have to go, and this means people have to get their heads out of the old schools of thinking. The Right has violated our Constitution with the Patriot Act and garbage like "Citizen's United", and now the Left is wanted to shred our 2nd Amendment. Again, it's two sides of the same corrupted political coin.

First thing on the agenda, Wall Street needs held accountable for their crimes and treason. The greatest rip off crime in history will not go unanswered for. We need to give this government an enema, flush out the vermin running it and go after our enemies within. If we don't, we are headed for the biggest crash of a country the world as ever seen. This house of cards can't stand in the storm that is coming.

Comment Fire more drones!! (Score 0) 45

I say fire more drones!!! Let's get a Tonka set over there. Someone float me a couple of billion dollars. I will set us up some Tonka toys over there. Hell yeah, they will pay for themselves pronto. Rent time out on them to uber rich people. AND do some major exploration and set up some communications arrays. We need broadband there, right? And the moon. Moon Base Tonkas as well.

Look, we need the entire race of humans putting some funtime facetime in on drone control. Human minds are some awesome things. Cheap and seriously resilient to harsh environments. We have to think out of this box called Earth, quickly because WTF was that which just went blazing by?

Comment Re:you're ignorant beyond belief (Score 3, Insightful) 294

I feel your pain. I read through this and can see talking point propaganda every step of the way. It baffles the imagination that such mindesets can exist in the modern information age. But wait, it will only get worse. Notice the use of the term "Marxist". It's a buzz word for them, it allows them to excuse their actions and thoughts towards those that don't agree with them. It's a mob mentality that wants to take a baseball bat to your head in a fit of rage.

They have been fed hate filled nationalistic "religion" based propaganda by "hate radio" and Faux News for years now. This is carefully cultivated and well crafted propaganda that Goebbels would get an erection over. As this election draws nearer and the pressure builds exponentially in the days before and after it, this propaganda will come to fruition. Regurgitating the lies will not suffice and we will see violence from this ilk like this country has never seen. You can smell the madness between the lines even now.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Weapons grade propaganda doesn't just vanish like smoke when the politicians and their puppet masters are done spewing it on the masses. There are minds steeped in it, poisoned with hate; there are consequences.

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