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Comment Re:Daft (Score 1) 223

Well, I seem to have stirred up a bit of a hornet's nest here :D
I accept and understand that all the device types under discussion here are computers. When I said a 'PC is a proper computer' I simply meant it is the most versatile and functional in that it does everything a computer should very well (except be mobile of course and the 'proper-computer' laptops do that anyway).
Clever as they may be, tablets etc are never going to be as universally useful as a full desktop PC - that's why when you go into any office or workspace you will find PCs sitting on the desks. Yes of course you might also find a tablet acting as a medium for porting some of the work elsewhere, but the PC is generally the main work machine.
The distinction between big smartphones and small tablets is shrinking - maybe one day somebody will produce a hybrid that really can do everything, but I doubt it. The 'phone' by its nature has to be small (to fit in a pocket), wheras the tablet has to be big enough to have a screen that anybody over the age of 30 can actually see :)

Comment Daft (Score 0) 223

These classifications are just plain daft!
A PC is a proper computer that sits on (or under) your desk and traditionally has a mouse and keyboard for input, and a seperate, large screen. It does all the web stuff (email, farcebook, twatter etc) and is also a creative/business tool and workstation.
Tablets are NOT PCs, any more than posh phones are.
There is a strong case for having three broad classifications :- (1) PCs. (2) Tablets and similar (i.e. handheld and mobile devices with touchscreen interface) and (3) smartphones.

Comment Oolite (Score 1) 265

Oolite is a free open-source cross-platform space trading and combat game inspired by Elite. It is infinitely mod-able and is written in objective-C.
The OXPs (expansion packs) use javascript and open-step plists and graphics can be produced with Gimp etc.
There is also a big community behind it so there's plenty of support available.
The game is great fun, and it is easy to make expansions - your kids will be able to produce good results quickly.

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The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
