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Comment Re:Joshua (Score -1, Troll) 463

Just sue the people running wallet/mixing/whatever servers for international money laundering and the anonymity will go away, the money flows become more traceable. They can still transfer it to temporary bank accounts and get mules to get the money out of ATMs, but it all becomes a little harder.

That said, bitcoin is more trouble than it's worth at this point ... just make trading in them illegal, problem solved.

Comment Re:Nothing can go Wrong Here (Score 1) 441

Nope, circular argument ... to trade it you have to own it. You can't use that line of reasoning to justify owning it in the first place.

Even considerably more detail won't save Rothbard&co's arguments either, they can try to bury Locke's Proviso beneath a mountain of detail ... but it won't fool anyone but the naive and the stupid.

Comment Re:Deliberate (Score 1) 652

That's fine and well, but if you give up the economic argument then Google's surrender becomes irrelevant.

The google guys never said PV/wind and grid storage couldn't economically make coal and gas superfluous in the near future, they didn't say Nuclear could ... or even if Nuclear could do it cheaper than PV/wind/grid-storage.

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