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Comment Re:service tag (Score 1) 688

I use a slightly different system, I use a letter as the first identifier like W to identify which branch I have it located. and then the month 08 then the year 09 then the number in that monthly batch 01 so you'd have W080901 You instantly know the branch, and how old it is. (although my branches are like 10ish people, this wouldnt work well for large 50+ branches)

Comment Re:GIVE US LAN BACK (Score 1) 453

Exactly, there's a lot to be said about playing WITH your friends in the same room, not with someone you've never met, while talking to them on vent/ts/voip.....boring...while on the other hand you could be unleashing unholy death upon your friends who are in the same room as you and laughing in an evil manner. It's more fun in person! :)

Comment GIVE US LAN BACK (Score 5, Insightful) 453

LAN PLAY is one of the things that helped make SC1 awesome, either 12 carriers coming down on an in-room opponent's settlement with "...what the...WHAT THE HELL...OH GOD" to early game 'ling rush with "..YOU CHEEP BASTARD THATS NOT FUNNY"....LAN play was amazing. Now if I'm going to have an 8 man LAN in my garage, it's all gotta go through battlenet, sucking up my bandwidth? Screw you blizzard. You've got another 2 quarters now, give us LAN play.

Comment Great if you're living in one of 5 countries... (Score 3, Interesting) 318

So I decided i'd check it out for my XP box.... "Not available in your country or region You appear to be in a country or region where the Microsoft Security Essentials Beta is unavailable. This beta is available only to customers in the United States, Israel (English only), People's Republic of China (Simplified Chinese only) and Brazil (Brazilian Portuguese only). " So...not Canada? *sigh* Well, time for Nod32 or kaspersky I guess...

Comment Re:Canada and Mexico should agree on regs (Score 2, Interesting) 76

p>Canada has twice the bandwidth at half the price we suckers in the USA pay for.

I've spotted a crazyperson!... The USA is the land of the $50 (or less, i mean, cogent's $4) megabit/sec. Up here, I pay $142/megabit, without any bandwidth factored In. I spend nearly 2 grand a month on a 10 meg line, with 250gigs of transfer. I'm trying to make a small DC up in BC, and it's brutal, there's no way we can even dream of competing with US prices, not because of the dollar factor, but just because you guys get data for so rediculously cheep. And then there's cellphones! You guys can get unlimited phone/data lines, for less than a hundred a month, we get 4 gigs of data and 200 minutes for $85 a month. No unlimited anything.

Comment Re:It would be nice... (Score 5, Interesting) 132

Sorry Friend, it's laughable at best. :( The problem is that the provincial government of British Columbia has a branch, called WTS: these people handle all of the computers on the provincial level. Basically, you've got a lot of hardcore geeks bound by red tape and managers who know nothing about computers in general. (Same old story, right?) Anyway... In the old days, every ministry, say Transport, for example, would have their own admins, their own domain software packages etc. Now it's all under one roof, the problem is that they like old school technology. Ie we have to BEG AND PLEAD to use PHP, ruby etc for interfaces for our databases...prettymuch the problem is, the geeks on hand love open source, but the managers for the whole system have their heads firmly planted up their butts. Thats even the reason why they *just* ramped up to vista instead of waiting for win7 because it'd have "unproven performance". Good game, bureaucracy.

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